A11Y_CONSUMERS | histogram | release | from 38 | A list of known accessibility clients that inject into Firefox process space (see https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/accessible/windows/msaa/Compatibility.h). |
A11Y_IATABLE_USAGE_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Flag indicating the IAccessibleTable accessibility interface has been used. |
A11Y_INSTANTIATED_FLAG | histogram | release | from 38 | Flag indicating accessibility support has been instantiated. |
A11Y_ISIMPLEDOM_USAGE_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Flag indicating the ISimpleDOM* accessibility interfaces has been used. |
A11Y_TREE_UPDATE_TIMING_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 59 | The amount of time taken to update the accessibility tree (ms) |
A11Y_UIA_DETECTION_TIMING_MS | histogram | prerelease | 59 | The amount of time the parent process blocked while detecting a UIA client. |
A11Y_UPDATE_TIME | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | time spent updating accessibility (ms) |
a11y.always_underline_links | scalar | release | from 121 | Bool tracking if the user has always underline links enabled in firefox.
a11y.backplate | scalar | release | from 71 | Boolean tracking if the user has the backplate preference enabled or disabled.
a11y.HCM_background | scalar | release | from 88 | Unsigned int tracking the user's prefered background color \ (logged when HCM is enabled).
a11y.HCM_foreground | scalar | release | from 88 | Unsigned int tracking the user's prefered foreground color \ (logged when HCM is enabled).
a11y.indicator_acted_on | scalar | release | 58 to 61 | Recorded on click or SPACE/ENTER keypress event. Boolean stating if the accessibility indicactor button was acted on.
a11y.instantiators | scalar | release | 56 to 60, from 62 | The leaf name and version number of the binary for the process responsible for remotely instantiating a11y.
a11y.invert_colors | scalar | release | from 108 | Boolean tracking if the user has an invert colors OS setting enabled.
a11y.sitezoom | scalar | release | 73 to 77 | Boolean tracking if the user has the site-specific zoom enabled or disabled.
a11y.theme | keyed scalar | release | from 68 | OS high contrast or other accessibility theme is enabled. The result is split into keys which represent the values of browser.display.document_color_use: "default", "always", or "never".
a11y.use_system_colors | scalar | release | from 115 | Bool tracking if the user has system colors enabled in firefox.
ABOUT_ACCOUNTS_CONTENT_SERVER_FAILURE_TIME_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 49 | The length of time (in milliseconds) between starting remote content load and failing with a connection error. Keyed on fxa-content-server endpoint path, like '/signin' or '/settings'. |
ABOUT_ACCOUNTS_CONTENT_SERVER_LOAD_STARTED_COUNT | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 49 | The number of remote content loads started. Keyed on fxa-content-server endpoint, like '/signin' or '/settings'. |
ABOUT_ACCOUNTS_CONTENT_SERVER_LOADED_RATE | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 49 | The number of remote content loads that fail (0) vs. receive the remote 'LOADED' message (1). Keyed on fxa-content-server endpoint path, like '/signin' or '/settings'. |
ABOUT_ACCOUNTS_CONTENT_SERVER_LOADED_TIME_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 49 | The length of time (in milliseconds) between starting remote content load and receiving the remote 'LOADED' message. Keyed on fxa-content-server endpoint path, like '/signin' or '/settings'. |
ABOUT_CONFIG_FEATURES_USAGE | histogram | prerelease | 64 to 66 | Record number of times particular features on about:config are used |
ABOUTCRASHES_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | 49 to 54 | Number of times about:crashes has been opened. |
aboutpreferences.show#show | event | release | from 96 | This is recorded whenever a pane is shown inside about:preferences. The object field records the type of action that resulted in showing a pane. Possible values are as follows,
"initial" is used when a pane is shown direclty. This happens with or without a hash in the URL. The "general" pane
loads without such a hash, when the pane is loaded via the "main" entrypoints in the menu system or with shortcuts.
"click" is used when a pane is shown when user clicks category name inside about:preferences.
"hash" is used when a pane is shown via a hash change in url.
The value field records identifier of pane shown
aboutprivatebrowsing.click#click | event | release | 90 to 137 | This is recorded when a user clicks a link on the private browsing newtab.
ACTIVE_DOCGROUPS_PER_TABGROUP | histogram | prerelease | 62 to 63 | Number of active doc groups per tab group. Collected at the point when the top level document of the tab group is unloaded. |
ACTIVE_HTTP_DOCGROUPS_PER_TABGROUP | histogram | prerelease | 63 to 66 | Number of active http:// and https:// doc groups per tab group. Collected at the point when the top level document of the tab group is unloaded. |
activeTicks | simpleMeasurements | release | from 42 | Obsolete, use the `active_ticks` scalar. Integer count of the number of five-second intervals ('ticks') the user was considered 'active' (sending UI events to the window). |
activity_stream.end#end | event | release | from 60 | This is recorded with every session ended in Activity Stream.
activity_stream.enroll#enroll | event | release | from 68 | Sent when a user gets enrolled in a preference study.
activity_stream.event#event | event | release | from 60 | This is recorded with every user interaction on Activity Stream elements.
ADDON_CONTENT_POLICY_SHIM_BLOCKING_LOADED_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 54 to 57 | The amount of time the content process blocked processing shouldLoad shims for an add-on (keyed by add-on ID) after the load event, for each document load. |
ADDON_CONTENT_POLICY_SHIM_BLOCKING_LOADING_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 54 to 57 | The amount of time the content process blocked processing shouldLoad shims for an add-on (keyed by add-on ID) prior to the load event, for each document load. |
ADDON_FORBIDDEN_CPOW_USAGE | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 50 | Counts the number of times a given add-on used CPOWs when it was marked as e10s compatible. |
ADDON_MANAGER_UPGRADE_UI_SHOWN | histogram | release | 49 to 52 | Recorded when the addon manager shows the modal upgrade UI. Should only be recorded once per upgrade. |
ADDON_SHIM_USAGE | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 40 | Reasons why add-on shims were used, keyed by add-on ID. |
ADDON_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_STATUS | histogram | release | from 103 | Records the result of App Signature Verification. See the comments in OpenSignedAppFile. |
addonManager | simpleMeasurements | prerelease | from 42 | Only available in prerelease. It contains a set of counters related to Addons. See [here](https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/search?q=%22AddonManagerPrivate.recordSimpleMeasure%22&redirect=false&case=true) for a list of recorded measures. |
addons | info | release | from 42 | This is obsolete, use `environment.addons`. A string containing a list of all addon ids and their version in the format: "<addon id>:<version>,..." |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].appDisabled | environment | release | from 42 | True if this add-on cannot be used in the application based on version compatibility, dependencies, and blocklisting. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].blocklisted | environment | release | from 42 | Whether or not the add-on appears in the blocklist. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].description | environment | release | from 42 | The add-on description, limited to 100 characters. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].foreignInstall | environment | release | from 42 | True or false depending on whether the add-on is a third party add-on installation or not. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].hasBinaryComponents | environment | release | from 42 | True or false depending on whether the add-on has binary components. This is always false since Firefox 60. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].installDay | environment | release | from 42 | The days since epoch that the add-on was first installed. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].isSystem | environment | release | from 47 | Whether or not the add-on is a system add-on. This field is available at startup. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].isWebExtension | environment | release | from 55 | Whether or not the add-on is a WebExtension add-on. This field is available at startup. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].multiprocessCompatible | environment | release | from 54 | Whether or not the add-on is a compatible with e10s. Since Firefox 61, this is always true. This field is available at startup. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].name | environment | release | from 42 | The add-on name, limited to 100 characters. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].scope | environment | release | from 42 | Indicates what scope the add-on is installed in, per profile, user, system, or application. This field is available at startup. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].signedState | environment | release | from 42 | The state of the signature of the add-on. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].type | environment | release | from 42 | The type of the add-on. This field is available at startup. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].updateDay | environment | release | from 42 | The day the add-on was last updated. This field is optional, but available at startup if present. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].userDisabled | environment | release | from 42 | Whether or not the user disabled the add-on. This field is only available after the 'sessionstore-windows-restored' topic is notified. |
addons.activeAddons[addonId].version | environment | release | from 42 | The version of the add-on. This field is available at startup. |
addons.activeGMPlugins[index].version | environment | release | from 42 | The version of the plugin. |
addons.activeGMPlugins[index].applyBackgroundUpdates | environment | release | from 42 | Whether or not the plugin automatically updates in background. |
addons.activeGMPlugins[index].userDisabled | environment | release | from 42 | Whether or not the user disabled the plugin. |
addons.activePlugins[index].blocklisted | environment | release | from 42 | Whether or not the plugin appears in the blocklist. |
addons.activePlugins[index].clicktoplay | environment | release | from 42 | Whether or not clicktoplay is enabled for this plugin. |
addons.activePlugins[index].description | environment | release | from 42 | The plugin description, limited to 100 characters. |
addons.activePlugins[index].disabled | environment | release | from 42 | Whether or not the plugin is disabled. |
addons.activePlugins[index].mimeTypes | environment | release | from 42 | The list of mime types handled by this plugin. |
addons.activePlugins[index].name | environment | release | from 42 | The plugin name, limited to 100 characters. |
addons.activePlugins[index].updateDay | environment | release | from 42 | The day the plugin was last updated. |
addons.activePlugins[index].version | environment | release | from 42 | The version of the plugin. |
addons.persona | environment | release | from 42 | The id of the active persona (theme). |
addons.theme.appDisabled | environment | release | from 42 | True if this theme cannot be used in the application based on version compatibility, dependencies, and blocklisting. |
addons.theme.blocklisted | environment | release | from 42 | Whether or not the theme appears in the blocklist. |
addons.theme.description | environment | release | from 42 | The theme description, limited to 100 characters. |
addons.theme.foreignInstall | environment | release | from 42 | True or false depending on whether the theme is a third party theme installation or not. |
addons.theme.hasBinaryComponents | environment | release | from 42 | True or false depending on whether the theme has binary components. This is always false since Firefox 60. |
addons.theme.id | environment | release | from 42 | The id of the theme. |
addons.theme.installDay | environment | release | from 42 | The days since epoch that the theme was first installed. |
addons.theme.name | environment | release | from 42 | The theme name, limited to 100 characters. |
addons.theme.scope | environment | release | from 42 | Indicates what scope the theme is installed in, per profile, user, system, or application. |
addons.theme.updateDay | environment | release | from 42 | The day the theme was last updated. |
addons.theme.userDisabled | environment | release | from 42 | Whether or not the user disabled the theme. |
addons.theme.version | environment | release | from 42 | The version of the theme. |
addonsManager.action#action | event | release | 67 to 113 | An action method event is triggered when a user performs an action through the UI on an add-on. The object is where in the product the action was performed.
addonsManager.blocklistUpdateError#blocklistUpdateError | event | release | 70 to 76 | Event recorded when a blocklist update fails to complete successfully. The object represents the kind of blocklist that failed to update, the value identifies the error type (one of CHECK_CERT_ERROR, DOWNLOAD_ERROR, INVALID_XML_ERROR, INVALID_BLOCKLIST_URL, MISSING_BLOCKLIST_SERVER_URL, UNEXPECTED_STATUS_CODE, WRITE_FILE_ERROR)
addonsManager.disable#manage | event | release | 64 to 137 | This events are recorded when an installed add-ons is being disable/enabled/uninstalled, the value of the event is the addon_id (which also allow to correlate multiple events related to each other).
addonsManager.install_stats#install_stats | event | release | from 81 | These events are recorded at the end of the install flow, but only when the source that originally triggered the add-on installation is "amo", "rtamo" or "disco". The value of an event is the SHA256 hash of the addon_id.
addonsManager.install#install | event | release | 64 to 137 | These events are recorded during the install and update flow for extensions and themes, the value of the event is an install_id shared by the events related to the same install or update flow.
addonsManager.link#link | event | release | 67 to 113 | A link method event triggered when a user follows a link. The object is the page that the link is on: aboutAddons or aboutPreferences. The value is where the link goes: about:addons, about:preferences, about:debugging, support (on SUMO) or rating, search, author (on AMO) or homepage (on AMO or elsewhere), discohome (on AMO via a recommended add-on card), discomore (on AMO via discover), disconotice (on SUMO via discover)
addonsManager.report#report | event | release | 68 to 127 | An abuse report submitted by a user for a given extension. The object of the event represent the report entry point, the value is the id of the addon being reported.
addonsManager.reportSuspiciousSite#reportSuspiciousSite | event | release | 110 to 133 | Sent when a user clicks "Report Suspicious Site" on the dropdown menu of the third- party xpinstall doorhanger. The object is always suspiciousSite. The value is the site domain, or "(unknown)" if there is no site associated with the prompt.
addonsManager.view#view | event | release | 67 to 113 | A view method event is triggered when a user views a page in about:addons. The object is always aboutAddons. The value is the view name: discover, list, updates or detail.
addonsSearchDetection.etld_change#etld_change | event | release | from 131 | Recorded when a request for a search query is redirected to another
domain. This can be via the webRequest API, or through other means.
address.detected#address_form | event | release | from 110 | User interactions for address autofill forms
'detected': Recorded when a form is recognized as a credit card form.
The possible value of cc_* in extra_keys are "true", "false", or 0
When the value is "true", the field is identified via autocomplete attribute
When the value is "false", the field is not detected in the form
When the value is an 0, then the field is identified by regexp-based heuristic
'popup_shown': Recorded when autofill popup is shown. Using field_name to record the field
that triggers this event
'filled': Recorded when a form is autofiled. Possible values are
`filled`, `not_filled`, `user_filled` or `unavailable`
'filled_modified': Recorded when a field is autofilled and then modified by the user.
Using field_name to record the field that triggers this event.
'submitted': Recorded when a form is submitted. Possible values are `autofilled`, `not_filled`, `user_filled` or `unavailable`
'cleared' Recorded when a form is cleared . Using field_name to record the field that triggers this event |
address.detected#address_form_ext | event | release | from 110 | Address has too many fields so we cannot cover them all in the above `address_form` telemetry This telemetry is used to record address fields that are not listed in `address_form` |
address.show#doorhanger | event | release | from 110 | User interactions for the browser address autofill doorhanger. |
address.show#manage | event | release | from 110 | User interactions for address autofill preferences management UI. |
ALERTS_SERVICE_DND_ENABLED | histogram | prerelease | 46 to 49 | XUL-only: whether the user has toggled do not disturb. |
ALERTS_SERVICE_DND_SUPPORTED_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | 46 to 49 | Whether the do not disturb option is supported. True if the browser uses XUL alerts. |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_ALLOWLIST_MATCH | histogram | prerelease | 54 to 56 | For each Application Reputation lookup against both the V2 and V4 Google lists, note which version of the allow list returned a match (0 = no match, 1 = match only V2, 2 = match only V4, 3 = match both V2 and V4) |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_BINARY | histogram | release | from 63 | Whether or not the file examined by download protection is a binary type (or it's not possible to tell because the filename is missing). |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_BINARY_ARCHIVE | histogram | release | from 63 | Whether a binary file examined by download protection is one of the common archive formats. |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_BINARY_TYPE | histogram | release | from 70 | Whether or not the file examined by download protection is a binary type (or it's not possible to tell because the filename is missing). |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_BLOCKLIST_MATCH | histogram | prerelease | 54 to 56 | For each Application Reputation lookup against both the V2 and V4 Google lists, note which version of block list returned a match (0 = no match, 1 = match only V2, 2 = match only V4, 3 = match both V2 and V4) |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_COUNT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Application reputation query count (both local and remote) |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_HASH_LENGTH | histogram | release | 63 to 68 | Whether the hash included in application reputation lookups is valid or broken in some way. |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_LOCAL | histogram | release | from 38 | Application reputation local results (0=ALLOW, 1=BLOCK, 2=NONE) |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_REASON | histogram | release | from 65 | The reason application reputation service blocks or allows the download. |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_REMOTE_LOOKUP_RESPONSE_TIME | histogram | release | from 64 | Server response time to remote lookup request (ms). |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_REMOTE_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT | histogram | release | from 50 | Recorded when application reputation remote lookup is performed, `true` is recorded if the lookup times out. |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_SERVER | histogram | release | from 38 | Status of the application reputation remote lookup (0=OK, 1=failed, 2=invalid protobuf response) |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_SERVER_2 | histogram | release | from 63 | Network status of the application reputation remote lookup |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_SERVER_VERDICT | histogram | release | from 38 | Application reputation remote verdict (0=SAFE, 1=DANGEROUS, 2=UNCOMMON, 3=POTENTIALLY_UNWANTED, 4=DANGEROUS_HOST, 5=UNKNOWN) |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_SERVER_VERDICT_2 | keyed histogram | release | from 66 | Application reputation remote verdict, keyed by file extension |
APPLICATION_REPUTATION_SHOULD_BLOCK | histogram | release | from 38 | Overall (local or remote) application reputation verdict (shouldBlock=false is OK). |
APZ_AWARE_KEY_LISTENERS | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 56 | The percentage of pages with a non-passive key event on the path to the root scrolling element that would disable APZ key scrolling. This is tracked for non system principal windows, so it applies to toplevel windows and subframes/iframes, but not chrome windows. |
APZ_AWARE_MOUSEMOVE_LISTENERS | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 56 | The percentage of pages with a mousemove listener anywhere in the document that would disable APZ key scrolling. This is tracked for non system principal windows, so it applies to toplevel windows and subframes/iframes, but not chrome windows. |
APZ_HANDLED_MOUSE_MOVE_EVENT_RECEIVED_MS | histogram | prerelease | 55 | Time (ms) for the APZ handled mouse move event to dispatch, but before handlers executing. |
APZ_HANDLED_TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT_RECEIVED_MS | histogram | prerelease | 55 | Time (ms) for the APZ handled touch move event to dispatch, but before handlers executing. |
APZ_HANDLED_WHEEL_EVENT_RECEIVED_MS | histogram | prerelease | 55 | Time (ms) for the APZ handled wheel event to dispatch, but before handlers executing. |
APZ_ZOOM_ACTIVITY | histogram | release | from 79 | Whether non-RDM page had user-triggered zooming activity |
APZ_ZOOM_ACTIVITY_RDM | histogram | release | 79 to 84 | Whether RDM page had user-triggered zooming activity |
APZ_ZOOM_PINCHSOURCE | histogram | release | from 79 | Input device that triggered the zoom gesture (InputData::PinchGestureSource) |
apz.scrollwheel_overshoot | scalar | release | 83 to 133 | Count of overshoot events, where the user reverses scrollwheel direction soon after the last scrollwheel input.
ASYNC_ANIMATION_CONTENT_TOO_LARGE_FRAME_SIZE | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 58 | The number of pixels of the frame for each time we encountered a layer that was so large we decided not to run its animations on the compositor. |
ASYNC_ANIMATION_CONTENT_TOO_LARGE_PERCENTAGE | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 58 | The ratio of the frame size (in total number of pixels) to the relative limit (~viewport size plus some tolerance factor, typically 12.5% in each dimension, i.e. ~27% tolerance in total area) for each time we encountered a layer that was so large we decided not to run its animations on the compositor expressed as a percentage (e.g. 130 = frame area was 30% larger than the relative limit) |
ASYNC_ANIMATION_FRAME_SIZE | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 58 | The number of pixels of the frame each time we potentially run a transform animation on the compositor. Intended for comparison with ASYNC_ANIMATION_CONTENT_TOO_LARGE_FRAME_SIZE. |
attribution.provenance.ads_exists | scalar | release | 112 to 120 | Will always be false if attribution.provenance.zone_id.data_exists is false. Will be true if the provenance data indicates that the :Zone.Identifier Alternate Data Stream existed on the installer.
attribution.provenance.data_exists | scalar | release | 112 to 120 | Will be true if the "zoneIdProvenanceData" file is present in the installation directory and we were able to successfully read it.
attribution.provenance.file_system | scalar | release | 112 to 120 | The file system that the installer resided on at installation time. Possible values are: "NTFS", "FAT32", "other". In error cases, it can also be "missing", "error" or "readIniError". Only sent if attribution.provenance.zone_id.data_exists is true.
attribution.provenance.host_url_exists | scalar | release | 112 to 120 | Will be true if the zone identifier ADS contained a host URL. Will be false if a host URL is specified, but it isn't a valid URL. Only sent if attribution.provenance.zone_id.ads_exists is true.
attribution.provenance.host_url_is_mozilla | scalar | release | 112 to 120 | Will be true if the host URL from the zone identifier ADS appeared to be a Mozilla URL. Only sent if attribution.provenance.zone_id.host_url_exists is true.
attribution.provenance.referrer_url_exists | scalar | release | 112 to 120 | Will be true if the zone identifier ADS contained a referrer URL. Will be false if a referrer URL is specified, but it isn't a valid URL. Only sent if attribution.provenance.zone_id.ads_exists is true.
attribution.provenance.referrer_url_is_mozilla | scalar | release | 112 to 120 | Will be true if the referrer URL from the zone identifier ADS appeared to be a Mozilla URL. Only sent if attribution.provenance.zone_id.referrer_url_exists is true.
attribution.provenance.security_zone | scalar | release | 112 to 120 | The zone identifier in the installer's :Zone.Identifier ADS. Possible values are integers between 0 and 4, inclusive. In error cases, it can also be "unexpected", "missing", "error", or "readIniError". Only sent if attribution.provenance.zone_id.ads_exists is true.
AUDIBLE_PLAY_TIME_PERCENT | keyed histogram | release | from 95 | Percentage of time spent playing media with an audible audio track, regardless of the volume. Keyed by audio-only or video presence. |
AUDIO_MFT_OUTPUT_NULL_SAMPLES | histogram | prerelease | 46 to 52, 62 | How many times the audio MFT decoder returns success but output nothing. |
AUDIO_TRACK_SILENCE_PROPORTION | histogram | release | 63 to 67, 70 to 73 | In order to know how many silent audio track in the web comparing to other normal media, we record the silence proportion of audio track of media element. The range of value is from 0% - 100%. |
AUDIOSTREAM_BACKEND_USED | histogram | release | 50 to 69 | The operating system audio back-end used when successfully opening an audio stream, or whether the failure occurred on the first try or not <https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/search?q=AUDIOSTREAM_BACKEND_ID_STR> |
AUDIOSTREAM_FIRST_OPEN_MS | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 49 | The length of time (in milliseconds) for the first open of AudioStream. |
AUDIOSTREAM_LATER_OPEN_MS | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 49 | The length of time (in milliseconds) for the subsequent opens of AudioStream. |
AUSHELPER_CPU_ERROR_CODE | histogram | release | 54 to 59 | The error code from the aushelper system add-on when querying the registry for CPU information for bug 1296630 (see browser/extensions/aushelper/bootstrap.js). |
AUSHELPER_CPU_RESULT_CODE | histogram | release | 54 to 59 | Whether the system is affected by bug 1296630 (1=No, 2=Yes, 3=Error, and 4=Unknown). |
AUSHELPER_WEBSENSE_ERROR_CODE | histogram | release | 54 to 59 | The error code from the aushelper system add-on when gathering information on Websense (see browser/extensions/aushelper/bootstrap.js). |
AUSHELPER_WEBSENSE_REG_EXISTS | histogram | release | 54 to 59 | Whether the system has a Websense InstallVersion registry value (see browser/extensions/aushelper/bootstrap.js). |
aushelper.websense_reg_version | scalar | release | 54 to 59 | The Websense version from the Windows registry. |
AUTO_REJECTED_TRANSLATION_OFFERS | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | A number of auto-rejected tranlation offers |
AUTOFILL_PROFILE_NUM_USES | keyed histogram | release | from 110 | How many times each saved autofill profile(address or credit card) has ever been autofilled. Rewritten after each autofill; always contains one entry per each count of uses. Example: If user has 3 cards, and he used 2 of them 5 times, and one of them 3 times, the value will be: `{3: 1, 5: 2}. |
AUTOPLAY_DEFAULT_SETTING_CHANGE | histogram | release | 70 to 99 | counts the number of times a user changed the default autoplay behavior to each setting during a subsession. |
AUTOPLAY_SITES_SETTING_CHANGE | histogram | release | 66 to 70 | The number of times the user adds a site to the allow list, removes a site from the allow list, adds a site to the block list and removes a site from the block list. |
AVIF_A1LX | histogram | release | from 97 | AVIF AV1LayeredImageIndexingProperty (a1lx) |
AVIF_A1OP | histogram | release | from 97 | AVIF OperatingPointSelectorProperty (a1op) |
AVIF_ALPHA | histogram | release | from 93 | AVIF alpha plane |
AVIF_AOM_DECODE_ERROR | histogram | release | from 87 | Error code from aom_codec_decode when decoding AVIF image |
AVIF_BIT_DEPTH | histogram | release | from 84 | Bits per pixel of AVIF image |
AVIF_CICP_CP | histogram | release | from 93 | AVIF CICP colour primaries |
AVIF_CICP_MC | histogram | release | from 93 | AVIF CICP matrix coefficients |
AVIF_CICP_TC | histogram | release | from 93 | AVIF CICP transfer characteristics |
AVIF_CLAP | histogram | release | from 97 | AVIF CleanApertureBox (clap) |
AVIF_COLR | histogram | release | from 93 | AVIF colour information type |
AVIF_DECODE_RESULT | histogram | release | from 84 | Decode result of AVIF image |
AVIF_DECODER | histogram | release | from 84 | Decoder of AVIF image |
AVIF_GRID | histogram | release | from 97 | AVIF AVIF grid-based image |
AVIF_IPRO | histogram | release | from 97 | AVIF ItemProtectionBox (ipro) |
AVIF_ISPE | histogram | release | from 93 | AVIF spatial extents (image size) |
AVIF_LSEL | histogram | release | from 97 | AVIF LayerSelectorProperty (lsel) |
AVIF_MAJOR_BRAND | histogram | release | from 97 | AVIF major brand |
AVIF_PASP | histogram | release | from 97 | AVIF pixel aspect ratio |
AVIF_PIXI | histogram | release | from 93 | AVIF pixel information (bits per channel) |
AVIF_SEQUENCE | histogram | release | from 97 | AVIF image sequence |
AVIF_YUV_COLOR_SPACE | histogram | release | from 84 | YUV color space of AVIF image |
avif.aom_decode_error | scalar | prerelease | from 84 | Image-decode Error from aom decoder
avif.dav1d_decode_error | scalar | prerelease | from 84 | Image-decode Error from dav1d decoder
avif.dav1d_get_picture#dav1d_get_picture | event | release | from 87 | Return value from dav1d_get_picture |
BACKGROUNDFILESAVER_THREAD_COUNT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Maximum number of concurrent threads reached during a given download session |
BAD_FALLBACK_FONT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | system fallback font can't be used |
BASE_FONT_FAMILIES_PER_PAGE | histogram | release | 76 to 93 | Number of font-family names used that resolved to base system fonts |
BATTERY_STATUS_COUNT | histogram | prerelease | 49 to 51 | Number of pages that use the Battery Status API: 0=navigator.battery, 1=navigator.getBattery() |
BFCACHE_COMBO | histogram | release | from 68 | The common combinations of BFCacheStatus when we determine whether the page can be BFCached or not; If it's BFCached, we record BFCache_Success; Success_Not_Toplevel represents the number of not the only top level document in BrowsingContextGroup's documents that are BFCached, and BFCache_Success includes Success_Not_Toplevel; If it's not and it falls under common failure reasons combinations, we record the corresponding combination; Otherwise, we record Other to indicate this is not a common failure |
BFCACHE_PAGE_RESTORED | histogram | release | from 68 | Whether bfcache is used when loading a page from session history |
blankWindowShown | simpleMeasurements | release | from 42 | Timestamp of 'blank window shown' event. |
BLINK_FILESYSTEM_USED | histogram | release | from 50 | Webkit/Blink filesystem used |
bloburl.resolve_stopped | scalar | release | 119 to 126 | Counts how many times we do not resolve a blob URL because of different partition keys
BLOCKED_ON_PLUGIN_INSTANCE_DESTROY_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 38 to 41, from 43 | Time (ms) that the main thread has been blocked on NPP_Destroy in an IPC plugin |
BLOCKED_ON_PLUGIN_INSTANCE_INIT_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 38 to 41, from 43 | Time (ms) that the main thread has been blocked on NPP_New in an IPC plugin |
BLOCKED_ON_PLUGIN_MODULE_INIT_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 38 to 41, from 43 | Time (ms) that the main thread has been blocked on LoadModule and NP_Initialize in PluginModuleParent |
BLOCKED_ON_PLUGIN_STREAM_INIT_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 38 to 41, from 43 | Time (ms) that the main thread has been blocked on NPP_NewStream in an IPC plugin |
BLOCKED_ON_PLUGINASYNCSURROGATE_WAITFORINIT_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 38 to 41, 43 to 49 | Time (ms) that the main thread has been blocked on PluginAsyncSurrogate::WaitForInit in an IPC plugin |
BLOCKLIST_SYNC_FILE_LOAD | histogram | prerelease | 60 to 63 | Whether blocklist.xml was loaded synchronously. True means it was loaded synchronously, false means it was preloaded asynchronously. |
blocklist.addonBlockChange#addonBlockChange | event | release | from 90 | An add-on is blocked, or an installed add-on is unblocked. When an add-on install/update is blocked, its installation is aborted and the add-on is no longer listed in the activeAddons field of TelemetryEnvironment. The value is the ID of the add-on. The object represents the reason for triggering the blocklistState check: "addon_install" is when an add-on is installed. "addon_update" is when an add-on is updated after an update check. "addon_update_check" is when an add-on is blocked during the update check. "addon_db_modified" is when an add-on's blocklistState was altered between application restarts. "blocklist_update" is when an add-on's blocklistState changed due to a blocklist update. This may be due to the blocklist being disabled by preferences or enterprise policies, but it is more commonly the result of updating entries in the blocklist.
blocklist.lastModified_rs_addons | scalar | release | 70 to 131 | Keep track of the last time the "addons" remotesetting blocklist has been successfully updated (as a datetime string in UTC format), set to "Missing Date" when the timestamp couldn't be retrieved.
blocklist.lastModified_rs_addons_mlbf | scalar | release | from 78 | Keep track of the last time the "addons-bloomfilters" remotesetting blocklist has been successfully updated (as a datetime string in UTC format), set to "Missing Date" when the timestamp couldn't be retrieved.
blocklist.lastModified_rs_plugins | scalar | release | 70 to 94 | Keep track of the last time the "plugins" remotesetting blocklist has been successfully updated (as a datetime string in UTC format), set to "Missing Date" when the timestamp couldn't be retrieved.
blocklist.lastModified_xml | scalar | release | 70 to 75 | Keep track of the lastupdate datetime from a successfully loaded xml blocklist, set to "Invalid Date" or "Missing Date" when the timestamp is invalid or missing. (based on the lastupdate attribute set on the XML document element, converted from a milliseconds timestamp into a datetime string in UTC format).
blocklist.mlbf_enabled | scalar | release | 78 to 121 | Keep track of whether the addons blocklist engine uses bloom filters (blocklist v3). If false, the blocklist v2 is used instead.
blocklist.mlbf_generation_time | scalar | release | from 78 | Keep track of the generation time of the addon blocklist's hard-blocks bloom filter. This marks the point in time until which signed add-ons are recognized by the selected bloom filter from the addons-bloomfilters collection. The value is a datetime string in UTC format, or "Missing Date" when unavailable.
blocklist.mlbf_softblocks_generation_time | scalar | release | from 133 | Keep track of the generation time of the addon blocklist's soft-blocks bloom filter. This marks the point in time until which signed add-ons are recognized by the selected bloom filter from the addons-bloomfilters collection. The value is a datetime string in UTC format, or "Missing Date" when unavailable.
blocklist.mlbf_softblocks_source | scalar | release | from 133 | The source of the RemoteSettings attachment that holds the soft-blocks bloom filter. Possible values are "dump_match", "cache_match", "remote_match", "dump_fallback", "cache_fallback", "unknown". "dump_match", "cache_match" and "remote_match" are expected known-good values, and means that the loaded bloomfilter matches the blocklist record in the RemoteSettings collection. The prefix denotes the immediate source of the loaded data: "dump" means packaged with the application, "remote" means a freshly downloaded bloomfilter, "cache" means a previously downloaded bloomfilter. "dump_fallback" and "cache_fallback" means that the last known bloomfilter was used, despite it not matching the latest record in the RemoteSettings collection. In this case the outdated bloomfilter is used as a fallback (e.g. because the latest version cannot be downloaded). "unknown" means that the bloomfilter cannot be loaded at all. This can happen if the blocklist is disabled via preferences or enterprise policies.
blocklist.mlbf_source | scalar | release | from 90 | The source of the RemoteSettings attachment that holds the hard-blocks bloom filter. Possible values are "dump_match", "cache_match", "remote_match", "dump_fallback", "cache_fallback", "unknown". "dump_match", "cache_match" and "remote_match" are expected known-good values, and means that the loaded bloomfilter matches the blocklist record in the RemoteSettings collection. The prefix denotes the immediate source of the loaded data: "dump" means packaged with the application, "remote" means a freshly downloaded bloomfilter, "cache" means a previously downloaded bloomfilter. "dump_fallback" and "cache_fallback" means that the last known bloomfilter was used, despite it not matching the latest record in the RemoteSettings collection. In this case the outdated bloomfilter is used as a fallback (e.g. because the latest version cannot be downloaded). "unknown" means that the bloomfilter cannot be loaded at all. This can happen if the blocklist is disabled via preferences or enterprise policies.
blocklist.mlbf_stash_time_newest | scalar | release | from 78 | Keep track of the timestamp of the most recent stash of the addons blocklist. The value is a datetime string in UTC format, or "Missing Date" when unavailable.
blocklist.mlbf_stash_time_oldest | scalar | release | from 78 | Keep track of the timestamp of the oldest stash of the addons blocklist. The value is a datetime string in UTC format, or "Missing Date" when unavailable.
blocklist.mlbf_stashes | scalar | release | 78 to 91 | Keep track of whether the bloomfilter-based blocklist engine uses stashes from the addons-bloomfilters collection, together with an infrequently updated base bloomfilter. If false, the latest (full) bloom filter is downloaded on every update of the addon blocklist. This metric is only meaningful if mlbf_enabled is true.
blocklist.useXML | scalar | release | 70 to 75 | Keep track of the currently enabled blocklist engine (set to false if the remote settings blocklist is the one enabled).
BOX_ALIGN_PROPS_IN_BLOCKS_FLAG | histogram | release | 55 to 56 | Whether we have layed out any display:block containers with not-yet-supported properties from CSS Box Align. |
BR_9_2_1_SUBJECT_ALT_NAMES | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Baseline Requirements section 9.2.1: subject alternative names extension (0: ok, 1 or more: error) |
BR_9_2_2_SUBJECT_COMMON_NAME | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Baseline Requirements section 9.2.2: subject common name field (0: present, in subject alt. names; 1: not present; 2: not present in subject alt. names) |
BROWSER_ATTRIBUTION_ERRORS | histogram | release | from 76 | Count for the number of errors encountered trying to determine attribution data: on Windows, from the installers (stub and full); on macOS, from an extended attributed on the .app bundle. |
BROWSER_BACKUP_COMPRESSED_ARCHIVE_SIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 130 | The total compressed size of a single-file profile data backup archive, in mebibytes |
BROWSER_BACKUP_FAVICONS_TIME_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 130 | Total time, in milliseconds, required to back up a profile's favicons database |
BROWSER_BACKUP_PLACES_TIME_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 130 | Total time, in milliseconds, required to back up a profile's places database |
BROWSER_BACKUP_TOTAL_BACKUP_SIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 129 | The total uncompressed size of all profile data included in a completed backup, in mebibytes |
BROWSER_BACKUP_TOTAL_BACKUP_TIME_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 130 | Total time elapsed, in milliseconds, between the start and end of the profile backup creation process |
BROWSER_IS_ASSIST_DEFAULT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The result of the default browser check for assist intent. |
BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT | histogram | release | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 44 | Whether Firefox is the system default browser on startup. A true value is also recorded here, and a false value is recorded to BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_ERROR, if a user clicked 'Use Firefox as my default browser' on an in-product prompt. (Note that on Windows 8+ the latter action opens the right settings dialog but does not actually change the default browser without further user action.) On Windows, 'system default browser' is operationalized as whether Firefox is the default HTTP protocol handler. |
BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT_ERROR | histogram | release | from 44 | True if the browser was unable to determine if the browser was set as default. |
BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_ALWAYS_CHECK | histogram | release | from 44 | True if the profile has `browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser` set to true. |
BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_DIALOG_PROMPT_RAWCOUNT | histogram | release | from 44 | The number of times that a profile has seen the 'Set Default Browser' dialog. |
BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_ERROR | histogram | release | from 44 | True if the browser was unable to set Firefox as the default browser |
BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_PDF_HANDLER_USER_CHOICE_RESULT | histogram | release | from 112 | Result of each attempt to set the default browser with SetDefaultExtensionHandlersUserChoice() for pdf extension |
BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_RESULT | histogram | release | from 44 | Result of the Set Default Browser dialog. After Firefox 89 the these values are: (0=Use Firefox + 'Don't ask again' checked, 1=Use Firefox + 'Don't ask again' unchecked, 2=Not Now + 'Don't ask again' checked, 3=Not Now + 'Don't ask again' unchecked). Before Firefox 89 these values were: (0=Use Firefox + 'Always perform check' unchecked, 1=Use Firefox + 'Always perform check' checked, 2=Not Now + 'Always perform check' unchecked, 3=Not Now + 'Always perform check' checked). |
BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_TIME_TO_COMPLETION_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 44 | Time to successfully set Firefox as the default browser after clicking 'Set Firefox as Default'. Should be near-instant in some environments, others require user interaction. Measured in seconds. |
BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE_RESULT | histogram | release | from 90 | Result of each attempt to set the default browser with SetDefaultBrowserUserChoice() |
BROWSER_SHIM_USAGE_BLOCKED | histogram | release | from 47 | Counts the number of times a CPOW shim was blocked from being created by browser code. |
browser.backup.browser_extension_data_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total size of the current profiles storage.local legacy JSON backend in the browser-extension-data directory, rounded to the nearest 10 kilobytes.
browser.backup.change_location#change_location | event | release | from 134 | Dispatched when the backup destination location is changed.
browser.backup.cookies_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total file size of the cookies.sqlite db located in the current profile directory, in kilobytes.
browser.backup.created#created | event | release | from 134 | Dispatched when a backup is successfully created.
browser.backup.credentials_data_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total size of logins, payment method, and form autofill related files in the current profile directory, in kilobytes.
browser.backup.enabled | scalar | release | from 134 | True if the BackupService is enabled by default.
browser.backup.error#error | event | release | from 134 | Dispatched when a backup fails to be created. We encode the error code as well as the stage the backup failed in in the extra data.
browser.backup.extension_store_permissions_data_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The file size of the current profiles extension-store-permissions/data.safe.bin file, rounded to the nearest 10 kilobytes.
browser.backup.extensions_json_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total file size of the extensions json files located in the current profile directory,rounded to the nearest 10 kilobytes.
browser.backup.extensions_storage_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total size of all extensions storage directories, rounded to the nearest 10 kilobytes.
browser.backup.extensions_xpi_directory_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total size of the current profiles extensions directory, rounded to the nearest 10 kilobytes.
browser.backup.favicons_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total file size of the favicons.sqlite db located in the current profile directory, in kilobytes.
browser.backup.form_history_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The file size of the formhistory.sqlite db located in the current profile directory, in kilobytes.
browser.backup.location_on_device | scalar | release | from 134 | 1 = the default location, 2 = a non-default location
browser.backup.misc_data_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total size of files for telemetry, site storage, media device origin mapping, chrome privileged IndexedDB databases, and Mozilla Accounts in the current profile directory, rounded to the nearest tenth kilobyte.
browser.backup.password_added#password_added | event | release | from 134 | Dispatched when the backup encryption is enabled.
browser.backup.password_changed#password_changed | event | release | from 134 | Dispatched when the backup encryption password is changed.
browser.backup.password_removed#password_removed | event | release | from 134 | Dispatched when the backup encryption is removed.
browser.backup.places_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total file size of the places.sqlite db located in the current profile directory, in kilobytes.
browser.backup.preferences_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total size of files relating to user preferences and permissions in the current profile directory, in kilobytes.
browser.backup.prof_d_disk_space | scalar | release | from 125 | The total disk space available on the storage device that the profile directory is stored on. To reduce fingerprintability, we round to the nearest 10 megabytes and return the result in kilobytes.
browser.backup.pswd_encrypted | scalar | release | from 134 | True if the BackupService is configured to encrypt backups.
browser.backup.scheduler_enabled | scalar | release | from 134 | True if the BackupService is configured to automatically create backups in the background.
browser.backup.security_data_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total size of files needed for NSS initialization parameters and security certificate settings in the current profile directory, in kilobytes.
browser.backup.session_store_backups_directory_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The total size of the session store backups directory, in kilobytes.
browser.backup.session_store_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The size of uncompressed session store json, in kilobytes.
browser.backup.storage_sync_size | scalar | release | from 126 | The file size of the current profiles storage-sync-v2.sqlite database, rounded to the nearest 10 kilobytes.
browser.backup.toggle_off#toggle_off | event | release | from 134 | Dispatched when scheduled backups are disabled.
browser.backup.toggle_on#toggle_on | event | release | from 134 | Dispatched when scheduled backups are enabled.
browser.engagement.active_ticks | scalar | release | from 56 | The count of the number of five-second intervals ('ticks') the user was considered 'active' in a subsession. Session activity involves keyboard or mouse interaction with the application. It does not take into account whether or not the window has focus or is in the foreground, only if it is receiving these interaction events.
browser.engagement.bookmarks_toolbar_bookmark_added | scalar | release | from 85 | The count of bookmarks added to the bookmarks toolbar. This counts bookmarks created on the bookmarks toolbar and bookmarks moved to the bookmarks toolbar.
browser.engagement.bookmarks_toolbar_bookmark_opened | scalar | release | from 85 | The count of bookmarks opened from the Bookmarks Toolbar. This counts bookmarks opened on the toolbar and bookmarks opened from the 'symlinked' Other Bookmarks folder on the Bookmarks Toolbar. It does not count Bookmarks Toolbar bookmarks opened via the Library, Bookmarks Menu, or other UI since the goal is to measure interactions that pass through the toolbar.
browser.engagement.max_concurrent_tab_count | scalar | release | from 50 | The count of maximum number of tabs open during a subsession, across all windows, including tabs in private windows and restored at startup.
browser.engagement.max_concurrent_tab_pinned_count | scalar | release | from 68 | The count of maximum number of pinned tabs open during a subsession. This includes private windows and the ones opened when starting the browser. Starting Firefox 85 this includes number of restored pinned tabs at startup.
browser.engagement.max_concurrent_vertical_tab_count | scalar | release | from 132 | The count of maximum number of tabs with vertical tabs enabled.
browser.engagement.max_concurrent_vertical_tab_pinned_count | scalar | release | from 132 | The count of maximum number of pinned tabs with vertical tabs enabled.
browser.engagement.max_concurrent_window_count | scalar | release | from 50 | The count of maximum number of browser windows open during a subsession. This includes private windows and the ones opened when starting the browser.
browser.engagement.mirror_for_active_ticks | scalar | release | 98 to 99 | The count of the number of five-second intervals ('ticks') the user was considered 'active' in a subsession. Session activity involves keyboard or mouse interaction with the application. It does not take into account whether or not the window has focus or is in the foreground, only if it is receiving these interaction events. Used for comparing with browser.engagement.active_ticks as a mirror for Glean's browser.engagement.active_ticks
browser.engagement.mirror_for_uri_count | scalar | release | 98 to 99 | The count of the total non-unique http(s) URIs visited in a subsession, including page reloads, after the session has been restored. URIs on minimized or background tabs may also be counted towards this. Private browsing is included in this count. Used for comparing with browser.engagement.total_uri_count_normal_and_private_mode as a mirror of Glean's browser.engagement.uri_count.
browser.engagement.navigation.about_home | keyed scalar | release | from 52 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from about:home, broken down by the originating action.
browser.engagement.navigation.about_newtab | keyed scalar | release | from 52 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from about:newtab, broken down by the originating action.
browser.engagement.navigation.contextmenu | keyed scalar | release | from 52 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from the contextmenu, broken down by the originating action.
browser.engagement.navigation.searchbar | keyed scalar | release | from 52 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from the searchbar, broken down by the originating action.
browser.engagement.navigation.urlbar | keyed scalar | release | from 52 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from the urlbar (awesomebar), broken down by the originating action.
browser.engagement.navigation.urlbar_handoff | keyed scalar | release | from 95 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from the urlbar via handoff, broken down by the originating action.
browser.engagement.navigation.urlbar_persisted | keyed scalar | release | from 108 | The count of URI loads triggered in a subsession from the urlbar after the search term was shown in the urlbar, broken down by the originating action.
browser.engagement.navigation.urlbar_searchmode | keyed scalar | release | from 82 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from the urlbar's search mode, broken down by the originating action.
browser.engagement.navigation.webextension | keyed scalar | release | from 64 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from a webextension.
browser.engagement.profile_count | scalar | release | from 81 | The count of the browser profiles on the current system. This counts profiles that have been used across all OS user accounts on machine since this probe was added. The value persists across installs. A value of 0 is reported if there is an error determining the correct count.
browser.engagement.restored_pinned_tabs_count | scalar | release | 56 to 66 | The count of the number of pinned tabs that were restored.
browser.engagement.session_time_excluding_suspend | scalar | release | from 86 | The duration of the session in milliseconds, excluding the time the device was suspended.
browser.engagement.session_time_including_suspend | scalar | release | from 86 | The duration of the session in milliseconds, including the time the device was suspended.
browser.engagement.sessionrestore_interstitial | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Whether we show about:sessionrestore or not. Split by key, which indicates why we showed the item or not. Specifically, 'deferred_restore' means we didn't autorestore and thus didn't show the interstitial; 'autorestore' indicates we autorestored without showing the interstitial. 'shown_old_session', 'shown_only_about_welcomeback', 'shown_many_crashes', 'shown_many_crashes_old_session' all indicate we did show the interstitial because of a crash, and the text after 'shown' indicates what secondary reason there was to show this page (as we don't show it for 'just' one crash).
browser.engagement.tab_open_event_count | scalar | release | from 50 | The count of tab open events per subsession, across all windows, after the session has been restored. This includes tab open events from private windows and from manual session restorations (i.e. after crashes and from about:home).
browser.engagement.tab_pinned_event_count | scalar | release | from 68 | The count of tab pinned events per subsession, across all windows, after the session has been restored. This includes tab pinned events from private windows.
browser.engagement.tab_reload_count | scalar | release | from 92 | The count of tab reload events by the user after unloaded.
browser.engagement.tab_unload_count | scalar | release | from 92 | The count of tab unload events by TabUnloader due to a low-memory situation.
browser.engagement.total_uri_count | scalar | release | from 50 | The count of the total non-unique http(s) URIs visited in a subsession, including page reloads, after the session has been restored. URIs on minimized or background tabs may also be counted towards this. Private browsing is not included in this count.
browser.engagement.total_uri_count_normal_and_private_mode | scalar | release | from 85 | The count of the total non-unique http(s) URIs visited in a subsession, including page reloads, after the session has been restored. URIs on minimized or background tabs may also be counted towards this. Private browsing is included in this count.
browser.engagement.unfiltered_uri_count | scalar | release | from 52 | The count of the total non-unique URIs visited in a subsession, not restricted to a specific protocol, including page reloads and about:* pages (other than initial pages such as about:blank, ...), after the session has been restored. This does not include background page requests and URIs from embedded pages or private browsing.
browser.engagement.unique_domains_count | scalar | release | from 50 | The count of the unique domains visited in a subsession, after the session has been restored. Subdomains under eTLD are aggregated after the first level (i.e. test.example.com and other.example.com are only counted once). This does not include background page requests and domains from embedded pages or private browsing. The count is limited to 100 unique domains.
browser.engagement.vertical_tab_open_event_count | scalar | release | from 132 | The count of tab open events with vertical tabs enabled.
browser.engagement.vertical_tab_pinned_event_count | scalar | release | from 132 | The count of tab pinned events with vertical tabs enabled.
browser.engagement.window_open_event_count | scalar | release | from 50 | The count of browser window open events per subsession, after the session has been restored. The count includes private windows and the ones from manual session restorations (i.e. after crashes and from about:home).
browser.errors.collected_count | scalar | prerelease | 61 to 66 | The count of all browser chrome JS errors that were collected locally.
browser.errors.collected_count_by_filename | keyed scalar | prerelease | 61 to 66 | The count of all browser chrome JS errors that were collected locally, keyed by the filename of the file in which the error occurred. Collected filenames are limited to specific paths under the resource:// and chrome:// protocols; non-matching filenames are reported as "FILTERED". Long filenames are truncated to the first 70 characters.
browser.errors.collected_with_stack_count | scalar | prerelease | 61 to 66 | The count of browser chrome JS errors that were collected locally and had a usable stack trace.
browser.errors.reported_failure_count | scalar | prerelease | 61 to 66 | The count of all browser chrome JS errors that we attempted to report to the remote collection service, but failed to.
browser.errors.reported_success_count | scalar | prerelease | 61 to 66 | The count of all browser chrome JS errors that were reported to the remote collection service.
browser.errors.sample_rate | scalar | prerelease | 61 to 66 | The sample rate at which collected errors were reported.
browser.feeds.feed_subscribed | scalar | release | 60 to 64 | The number of times a user subscribes to a feed.
browser.feeds.livebookmark_count | scalar | release | 60 to 64 | The number of live bookmark folders the user has (ie not individual items).
browser.feeds.livebookmark_item_opened | scalar | release | 60 to 64 | The number of times a user opens an item that is part of a live bookmark.
browser.feeds.livebookmark_opened | scalar | release | 60 to 64 | The number of times a user opens a live bookmark dropdown.
browser.feeds.preview_loaded | scalar | release | 60 to 64 | The number of times a feed preview page is loaded.
browser.input.touch_event_count | scalar | release | 77 to 89 | Windows only. Counts occurrences of touch events, measured when user starts a touch event. |
browser.launched_to_handle.system_notification#system_notification | event | release | from 106 | Recorded when Firefox launches to complete a native notification popped by a system (chrome privileged) alert. Windows-only at the time of writing.
browser.migration.browser_selected#browser_selected | event | release | from 113 | Recorded when the user selects a browser to migrate from.
browser.migration.linux_perms#linux_perms | event | release | from 120 | Recorded if the user is on Linux and the browser is installed in a sandboxed environment that prevents it from reading other browser's data, and the user is presented with instructions and an option to grant the browser permission to read that other data.
browser.migration.migration_finished#migration_finished | event | release | from 113 | Recorded when the user finishes a migration.
browser.migration.migration_started#migration_started | event | release | from 113 | Recorded when the user begins a migration.
browser.migration.no_browsers_found#no_browsers_found | event | release | from 113 | Recorded when the migration wizard reports that there are no browsers to migrate from.
browser.migration.opened#opened | event | release | from 113 | Recorded when the migration wizard opens.
browser.migration.profile_selected#profile_selected | event | release | from 113 | Recorded when the user selects a profile to migrate from. If the browser doesn't support multiple profiles, this will not be recorded.
browser.migration.resources_selected#resources_selected | event | release | from 113 | Recorded when the user selects resources from the browser / profile to import.
browser.migration.safari_password_file#safari_password_file | event | release | from 113 | Recorded if the user is on macOS, chose to migrate from Safari, and was presented with the page of the wizard requesting to import passwords from a file. This only gets recorded in the new migration wizard.
browser.migration.safari_perms#safari_perms | event | release | from 113 | Recorded if the user is on macOS, chose to migrate from Safari, and was presented with the page of the wizard requesting permission to read from the Safari profile folder.
browser.search.ad_clicks | keyed scalar | release | from 65 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages. The key format is ‘<provider>:<sap|organic>’.
browser.search.adclicks.about_home | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from about:home. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.about_newtab | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from about:newtab. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.contextmenu | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from the context menu. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.reload | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was loaded by reloading the page. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.searchbar | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from the search bar. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.system | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from the system, e.g. command line. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.tabhistory | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was loaded from the tab history. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.unknown | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from a place not categorized by the other scalars. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.urlbar | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from the urlbar. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.urlbar_handoff | keyed scalar | release | from 95 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from the urlbar via handoff, broken down by the originating action.
browser.search.adclicks.urlbar_persisted | keyed scalar | release | from 108 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from the urlbar after the search term was shown in the urlbar. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.urlbar_searchmode | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from the urlbar in search mode. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.adclicks.webextension | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records clicks of adverts on SERP pages where the search was started from a webextension. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.about_home | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was most likely started from the about:home. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.about_newtab | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was most likely started from the about:newtab. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.contextmenu | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was most likely started from the context menu. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.reload | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was loaded by reloading the page. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.searchbar | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was most likely started from the search bar. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.system | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was most likely started from the system, e.g. command line. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.tabhistory | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was loaded from the tab history. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.unknown | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was started from a place that could not be determined or not categorized by the other scalars. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.urlbar | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was most likely started from the urlbar. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.urlbar_handoff | keyed scalar | release | from 95 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from the urlbar via handoff, broken down by the originating action.
browser.search.content.urlbar_persisted | keyed scalar | release | from 108 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was most likely started from the urlbar after the search term was shown in the urlbar. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.urlbar_searchmode | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was most likely started from the urlbar in search mode. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.content.webextension | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts for in-content searches where the search was most likely started from a webextension. The key format is <provider>:[tagged|tagged-follow-on|organic]:[code|other|none] See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.data_transferred | keyed scalar | release | from 75 | Records bytes that have been transferred for search requests, including top-level documents, sub-resources, iframes and search suggestions. The key format could be one of:
browser.search.with_ads | keyed scalar | release | from 65 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed. The key format is ‘<provider>:<sap|organic>’.
browser.search.withads.about_home | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from about:home. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.about_newtab | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from about:newtab. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.contextmenu | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from the context menu. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.reload | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was loaded by reloading the page. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.searchbar | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from the search bar. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.system | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from the system, e.g. command line. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.tabhistory | keyed scalar | release | from 89 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was loaded from the tab history. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.unknown | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from a place not categorized by the other scalars. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.urlbar | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from the urlbar. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.urlbar_handoff | keyed scalar | release | from 95 | The count URI loads triggered in a subsession from the urlbar via handoff, broken down by the originating action.
browser.search.withads.urlbar_persisted | keyed scalar | release | from 108 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from the urlbar after the search term was shown in the urlbar. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.urlbar_searchmode | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from the urlbar in search mode. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.search.withads.webextension | keyed scalar | release | from 86 | Records counts of SERP pages with adverts displayed where the search was started from a webextension. The key format is ‘<provider>:<tagged|organic>’ See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/search/telemetry.html#browser-search-content
browser.searchinit.engine_invalid_webextension | keyed scalar | release | 83 to 137 | Records the WebExtension ID of a search engine where the WebExtension is not installed (= 1), disabled (= 2), search engine no longer specified (= 4), a different name (= 5), where the submission URL is different between the search engine and the WebExtension (= 6). The value '3' has been replaced by '6' to distinguish newer entries.
browser.searchinit.engines_cache_corrupted | scalar | release | 71 to 84 | Whether the list of engines in the search cache was found to be corrupt during initialization. |
browser.searchinit.init_result_status_code | scalar | release | 80 to 90 | Status code (nsresult) for the search service initialization routine. Stored as a string due to issues with large uint scalars when the scalar was created. |
browser.searchinit.insecure_opensearch_engine_count | scalar | release | 107 to 137 | Records the number of insecure (i.e., using http) OpenSearch search engines a given user has installed
browser.searchinit.insecure_opensearch_update_count | scalar | release | 107 to 137 | Records the number of OpenSearch search engines with insecure updates enabled (i.e., using http) a given user has installed
browser.searchinit.secure_opensearch_engine_count | scalar | release | 107 to 137 | Records the number of secure (i.e., using https) OpenSearch search engines a given user has installed
browser.searchinit.secure_opensearch_update_count | scalar | release | 107 to 137 | Records the number of OpenSearch search engines with secure updates enabled (i.e., using https) a given user has installed
browser.session.restore.browser_startup_page | scalar | release | from 57 | The value of the browser.startup.page pref. This pref restores the tabs and windows automatically when set to 3.
browser.session.restore.browser_tabs_restorebutton | scalar | release | from 57 | The value of the browser.tabs.restorebutton pref. 0 - the user is not a part of the experiment 1 - the user is a part of the experiment 2 - the user is part of the control group
browser.session.restore.number_of_tabs | scalar | release | from 57 | The count of tabs open after a session has been restored. |
browser.session.restore.number_of_win | scalar | release | from 57 | The count of windows open after a session has been restored. |
browser.session.restore.tabbar_restore_available | scalar | release | from 57 | Recorded on startup. Boolean stating whether the tabbar session restore button was ever available.
browser.session.restore.tabbar_restore_clicked | scalar | release | from 57 | Recorded on click event. Boolean stating if the session restore button was clicked.
browser.session.restore.worker_restart_count | scalar | release | 58 to 63 | A counter incremented every time the SessionFile worker is restarted due to too many failures, as defined in the browser.sessionstore.max_write_failures pref.
browser.startup.abouthome_cache_result | scalar | release | from 80 | How the about:home startup cache functioned on startup.
0: Result value was never set (error case) 1: Cache did not exist 2: Cache page stream was corrupt / inaccessible 3: Cache script stream was corrupt / inaccessible 4: Cache was invalidated by a version bump 5: Cache was valid, but read too late to be useful. 6: Cache was valid and used. 7: Cache is disabled. 8: User did not load about:home on its own by default. 9: Cache is disabled because about:newtab preloading is disabled.
browser.startup.abouthome_cache_shutdownwrite | scalar | release | from 80 | True if the about:home startup cache was written via the AsyncShutdown blocker.
browser.startup.action | scalar | release | 75 to 84 | The action that the user took with the slow startup notification bar. 0: No action (default) 1: User chose to open SUMO document on slow startup 2: User chose to never show the notification bar again 3: User dismissed the notification bar
browser.startup.average_time | scalar | release | 75 to 84 | The average startup time computed by the slow startup notification bar in milliseconds.
browser.startup.recorded_time | scalar | release | 75 to 84 | The startup time computed by the slow startup notification bar in milliseconds.
browser.startup.slow_startup_notification_disabled | scalar | release | 75 to 84 | Whether the slow startup notification bar is disabled for the user. |
browser.startup.slow_startup_notified | scalar | release | 75 to 84 | Whether the slow startup notification bar was shown to the user during this session. |
browser.startup.too_new_for_notification | scalar | release | 75 to 84 | Whether the slow startup notification bar was suppressed because the profile is too new. |
browser.timings.last_shutdown | scalar | prerelease | from 59 | The time, in milliseconds, it took to complete the last shutdown. On successful shutdown, Telemetry saves this to disk into Telemetry.ShutdownTime.txt. On the next startup this is loaded and recorded.
browser.ui.customized_widgets | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records when widgets are added, removed or moved in the UI. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.all_tabs_panel_dragstart_tab_event_count | scalar | release | from 111 | Records a count of how many times a drag event started for a tab within the All Tabs panel.
browser.ui.interaction.all_tabs_panel_entrypoint | keyed scalar | release | from 111 | Records a count of how many times the All Tabs Panel was opened, keyed on a string describing the entrypoint.
browser.ui.interaction.app_menu | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with items in the app menu. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.bookmarks_bar | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with items in the bookmarks bar. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.content_context | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with items in the content context menu. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.keyboard | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with keyboard shortcuts. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.menu_bar | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with items in the menu bar. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.nav_bar | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with items in the nav bar. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.overflow_menu | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with items in the overflow menu. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.pageaction_panel | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with page action items in the panel. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.pageaction_urlbar | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with page action items in the url bar. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.pinned_overflow_menu | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with items in the pinned area of the overflow menu. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_paneContainers | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records the items interacted with in the Containers section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_paneExperimental | keyed scalar | release | from 80 | Records the items interacted with in the Experimental section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_paneGeneral | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records the items interacted with in the General section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_paneHome | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records the items interacted with in the Home section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_paneMoreFromMozilla | keyed scalar | release | from 96 | Records the items interacted with in the More From Mozilla section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_panePrivacy | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records the items interacted with in the Privacy section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_paneSearch | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records the items interacted with in the Search section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_paneSearchResults | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records the items interacted with in the Search results section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_paneSync | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records the items interacted with in the Sync section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.preferences_paneUnknown | keyed scalar | release | from 80 | Records the items interacted with in any other section of preferences. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.tabs_bar | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with items in the tab bar. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.tabs_context | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | Records a count of interactions with items in the tab context menu. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.tabs_context_entrypoint | keyed scalar | release | from 111 | Records a count for each entrypoint (the container of the trigger node) when an item from the tabs context menu is selected. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.textrecognition_error | scalar | release | from 106 | Recorded when text recognition in images fails for some unknown reason.
browser.ui.interaction.unified_extensions_area | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | Records a count of interactions with items in the Unified Extensions area. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.interaction.vertical_tabs_container | keyed scalar | release | from 133 | Records a count of interactions with items in the vertical tab bar. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.ui.toolbar_widgets | keyed scalar | release | from 79 | The widgets in the toolbars. See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/browser/BrowserUsageTelemetry.html
browser.usage.graphite | scalar | release | 55 to 64 | The number of times a graphite2 font has been loaded.
browser.usage.plugin_instantiated | scalar | release | from 56 | The number of plugin instances that were created. |
BROWSERPROVIDER_XUL_IMPORT_BOOKMARKS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of bookmarks in the original XUL places database |
BROWSERPROVIDER_XUL_IMPORT_HISTORY | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Number of history entries in the original XUL places database |
BROWSERPROVIDER_XUL_IMPORT_TIME | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Time for the initial conversion of a XUL places database (ms) |
BUCKET_ORDER_ERRORS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of histograms with bucket order errors |
build.applicationId | environment | release | from 42 | The application UUID. |
build.applicationName | environment | release | from 42 | The application name. |
build.architecture | environment | release | from 42 | The build architecture for the active build. |
build.architecturesInBinary | environment | release | from 42 | For Mac universal builds, this is a string containing a list of architectures delimited by '-'. Architecture sets are always in the same order: ppc > i386 > ppc64 > x86_64 > (future additions). This is only available on Mac. |
build.buildId | environment | release | from 42 | The build ID/date of the application. |
build.displayVersion | environment | release | from 61 | The display version of the application. |
build.platformVersion | environment | release | from 42 | The version of the XULRunner platform. |
build.updaterAvailable | environment | release | from 57 | True if the application was built with the support for the updater component. |
build.vendor | environment | release | from 42 | The application vendor. |
build.version | environment | release | from 42 | The version of the application. |
build.xpcomAbi | environment | release | from 42 | A string tag identifying the binary ABI of the current processor and compiler vtable. This is taken from the TARGET_XPCOM_ABI configure variable. It may not be available on all platforms, especially unusual processor or compiler combinations. The result takes the form <processor>-<compilerABI>, for example: x86-msvc, ppc-gcc3, ... . This value should almost always be used in combination with the 'OS'. |
BUSY_TAB_ABANDONED | histogram | prerelease | 54 to 67 | Records a value each time a tab that is showing the loading throbber is interrupted. Desktop only. |
CACHE_DEVICE_SEARCH_2 | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time to search cache (ms) |
CACHE_DISK_SEARCH_2 | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time to search disk cache (ms) |
CACHE_LM_INCONSISTENT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Cache discovered inconsistent last-modified entry |
CACHE_MEMORY_SEARCH_2 | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time to search memory cache (ms) |
CACHE_OFFLINE_SEARCH_2 | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time to search offline cache (ms) |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_2 | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_2 | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock on the main thread (ms) |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSASYNCDOOMEVENT_RUN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSASYNCDOOMEVENT_RUN |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSBLOCKONCACHETHREADEVENT_RUN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSBLOCKONCACHETHREADEVENT_RUN |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_CLOSE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_CLOSE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_DOOM | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_DOOM |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETCACHEELEMENT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETCACHEELEMENT |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETCLIENTID | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETCLIENTID |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETDATASIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETDATASIZE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETDEVICEID | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETDEVICEID |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETEXPIRATIONTIME | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETEXPIRATIONTIME |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETFETCHCOUNT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETFETCHCOUNT |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETFILE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETFILE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETKEY | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETKEY |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETLASTFETCHED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETLASTFETCHED |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETLASTMODIFIED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETLASTMODIFIED |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETMETADATAELEMENT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETMETADATAELEMENT |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETPREDICTEDDATASIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETPREDICTEDDATASIZE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSECURITYINFO | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSECURITYINFO |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSTORAGEDATASIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSTORAGEDATASIZE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSTORAGEPOLICY | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSTORAGEPOLICY |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_ISSTREAMBASED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_ISSTREAMBASED |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_MARKVALID | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_MARKVALID |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_OPENINPUTSTREAM | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_OPENINPUTSTREAM |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_OPENOUTPUTSTREAM | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_OPENOUTPUTSTREAM |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_REQUESTDATASIZECHANGE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_REQUESTDATASIZECHANGE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETCACHEELEMENT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETCACHEELEMENT |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETDATASIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETDATASIZE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETEXPIRATIONTIME | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETEXPIRATIONTIME |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETMETADATAELEMENT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETMETADATAELEMENT |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETPREDICTEDDATASIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETPREDICTEDDATASIZE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETSECURITYINFO | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETSECURITYINFO |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETSTORAGEPOLICY | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETSTORAGEPOLICY |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_VISITMETADATA | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_VISITMETADATA |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_CLOSEALLSTREAMS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_CLOSEALLSTREAMS |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_DISKDEVICEHEAPSIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_DISKDEVICEHEAPSIZE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_EVICTENTRIESFORCLIENT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_EVICTENTRIESFORCLIENT |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_GETCACHEIOTARGET | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_GETCACHEIOTARGET |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_ISSTORAGEENABLEDFORPOLICY | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_ISSTORAGEENABLEDFORPOLICY |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_LEAVEPRIVATEBROWSING | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_LEAVEPRIVATEBROWSING |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILECHANGED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILECHANGED |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILESHUTDOWN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILESHUTDOWN |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_OPENCACHEENTRY | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_OPENCACHEENTRY |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_PROCESSREQUEST | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_PROCESSREQUEST |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHECAPACITY | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHECAPACITY |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHEENABLED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHEENABLED |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHEMAXENTRYSIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHEMAXENTRYSIZE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKSMARTSIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKSMARTSIZE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETMEMORYCACHE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETMEMORYCACHE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETMEMORYCACHEMAXENTRYSIZE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETMEMORYCACHEMAXENTRYSIZE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHECAPACITY | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHECAPACITY |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHEENABLED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHEENABLED |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SHUTDOWN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SHUTDOWN |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_VISITENTRIES | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_VISITENTRIES |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCOMPRESSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_RELEASE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCOMPRESSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_RELEASE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDECOMPRESSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_RELEASE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDECOMPRESSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_RELEASE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHEBINDING_DESTRUCTOR | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHEBINDING_DESTRUCTOR *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHEDEVICEDEACTIVATEENTRYEVENT_RUN | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHEDEVICEDEACTIVATEENTRYEVENT_RUN *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHEMAP_REVALIDATION | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHEMAP_REVALIDATION *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHESTREAMIO_CLOSEOUTPUTSTREAM | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHESTREAMIO_CLOSEOUTPUTSTREAM *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHESTREAMIO_WRITE | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHESTREAMIO_WRITE *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDOOMEVENT_RUN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDOOMEVENT_RUN |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSEVICTDISKCACHEENTRIESEVENT_RUN | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSEVICTDISKCACHEENTRIESEVENT_RUN *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_CLOSEINTERNAL | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_CLOSEINTERNAL |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_LAZYINIT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_LAZYINIT |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_RELEASE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_RELEASE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_CLOSEINTERNAL | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_CLOSEINTERNAL |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_LAZYINIT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_LAZYINIT |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_RELEASE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_RELEASE |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSPROCESSREQUESTEVENT_RUN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSPROCESSREQUESTEVENT_RUN |
CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSSETDISKSMARTSIZECALLBACK_NOTIFY | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSSETDISKSMARTSIZECALLBACK_NOTIFY |
cache.integrity_check_count | scalar | release | 88 to 95 | The number of errors detected by a Cache API pragma_integrity_check() run in response to a constraint error detected by a VACUUM after performing a schema upgrade.
CANVAS_2D_USED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | 2D canvas used |
CANVAS_FINGERPRINTING_PER_TAB | keyed histogram | release | 121 to 137 | Type of canvas fingerprinter detected (keyed by known_fingerprinting_text or unknown), 0 = none |
CANVAS_WEBGL_ACCL_FAILURE_ID | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 49 | Track the failure IDs that lead us to reject attempting to create an accelerated context. CANVAS_WEBGL_FAILURE_ID reports the overall WebGL status with the attempt to fallback. |
CANVAS_WEBGL_FAILURE_ID | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 49 | WebGL runtime and dynamic failure IDs. This will record a count for each context creation success or failure. Each failure id is a unique identifier that can be traced back to a particular failure branch or blocklist rule. |
CANVAS_WEBGL_SUCCESS | histogram | release | from 47 | WebGL1 creation success |
CANVAS_WEBGL_USED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | WebGL canvas used |
CANVAS_WEBGL2_SUCCESS | histogram | prerelease | from 47 | WebGL2 creation success |
CERT_CHAIN_KEY_SIZE_STATUS | histogram | release | from 39 | Does enforcing a larger minimum RSA key size cause verification failures? 1 = no, 2 = yes, 3 = another error prevented finding a verified chain |
CERT_CHAIN_SHA1_POLICY_STATUS | histogram | prerelease | from 46 | 1 = No SHA1 signatures, 2 = SHA1 certificates issued by an imported root, 3 = SHA1 certificates issued before 2016, 4 = SHA1 certificates issued after 2015, 5 = another error prevented successful verification |
CERT_CHAIN_SIGNATURE_DIGEST_STATUS | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | Information on weak signature digest algorithms in the chain: 1 = Only good algorithms, 2 = a weak algorithm was present in an end entity, 3 = a weak algorithm was present in a CA cert, 4 = a weak algorithm was present in both EE and CA certs, 5 = another error prevented signature algorithm from being determined |
CERT_EV_STATUS | histogram | release | from 48 | EV status of a certificate, recorded on each TLS connection. 0=invalid, 1=DV, 2=EV |
CERT_OCSP_ENABLED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Is OCSP fetching enabled? (pref security.OCSP.enabled) |
CERT_OCSP_REQUIRED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Is OCSP required when the cert has an OCSP URI? (pref security.OCSP.require) |
CERT_PINNING_FAILURES_BY_CA | histogram | release | from 38 | Pinning failures by CA (see RootHashes.inc for names of CAs) |
CERT_PINNING_FAILURES_BY_CA_2 | histogram | release | from 130 | Pinning failures by CA (see RootHashes.inc for names of CAs) |
CERT_PINNING_MOZ_RESULTS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Certificate pinning results for Mozilla sites (0 = failure, 1 = success) |
CERT_PINNING_MOZ_RESULTS_BY_HOST | histogram | release | from 38 | Certificate pinning results by host for Mozilla operational sites |
CERT_PINNING_MOZ_TEST_RESULTS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Certificate pinning test results for Mozilla sites (0 = failure, 1 = success) |
CERT_PINNING_MOZ_TEST_RESULTS_BY_HOST | histogram | release | from 38 | Certificate pinning test results by host for Mozilla operational sites |
CERT_PINNING_RESULTS | histogram | release | from 38 | Certificate pinning results (0 = failure, 1 = success) |
CERT_PINNING_TEST_RESULTS | histogram | release | from 38 | Certificate pinning test results (0 = failure, 1 = success) |
CERT_REVOCATION_MECHANISMS | histogram | release | from 107 | Which revocation checking mechanisms were used? |
CERT_VALIDATION_HTTP_REQUEST_CANCELED_TIME | histogram | release | from 38 | ms elapsed time of OCSP etc.. that was canceled |
CERT_VALIDATION_HTTP_REQUEST_FAILED_TIME | histogram | release | from 38 | ms elapsed time of OCSP etc.. that failed |
CERT_VALIDATION_HTTP_REQUEST_RESULT | histogram | release | from 38 | HTTP result of OCSP, etc.. (0=canceled, 1=OK, 2=FAILED, 3=internal-error) |
CERT_VALIDATION_HTTP_REQUEST_SUCCEEDED_TIME | histogram | release | from 38 | ms elapsed time of OCSP etc.. that succeeded |
CERT_VALIDATION_SUCCESS_BY_CA | histogram | release | from 38 | Successful SSL server cert validations by CA (see RootHashes.inc for names of CAs) |
CERT_VALIDATION_SUCCESS_BY_CA_2 | histogram | release | from 130 | Successful SSL server cert validations by CA (see RootHashes.inc for names of CAs) |
CHANGES_OF_DETECTED_LANGUAGE | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | A number of changes of detected language before (true) or after (false) translating a page for the first time. |
CHANGES_OF_TARGET_LANGUAGE | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | A number of times when the target language was changed by the user |
CHARSET_OVERRIDE_SITUATION | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Labeling status of top-level page when overriding charset (0: unlabeled file URL without detection, 1: unlabeled non-TLD-guessed non-file URL without detection, 2: unlabeled file URL with detection, 3: unlabeled non-file URL with detection, 4: labeled, 5: already overridden, 6: bug, 7: unlabeled with TLD guessing) |
CHARSET_OVERRIDE_USED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the character encoding menu was used to override an encoding in this session. |
CHECK_ADDONS_MODIFIED_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time (ms) it takes to figure out extension last modified time |
CHECK_JAVA_ENABLED | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent checking if Java is enabled (ms) |
CHECKERBOARD_DURATION | histogram | release | from 46 | Duration of a checkerboard event in milliseconds |
CHECKERBOARD_PEAK | histogram | release | from 46 | Peak number of CSS pixels checkerboarded during a checkerboard event (the high value is the size of a 4k display with max APZ zooming) |
CHECKERBOARD_POTENTIAL_DURATION | histogram | release | from 46 | Duration of a chunk of time (in ms) that could reasonably have had checkerboarding |
CHECKERBOARD_SEVERITY | histogram | release | from 46 | Opaque measure of the severity of a checkerboard event |
CHECKERBOARDED_CSSPIXELS_MS | histogram | prerelease | 45 to 46 | Magnitude of checkerboarding in CSSPixel-milliseconds per scrollable frame per composite |
CHILD_PROCESS_LAUNCH_MS | histogram | release | from 65 | Time spent in the generic child process launching code, which is run off-main-thread and used by all child process types |
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_SCAN_TIME | histogram | release | 90 to 105 | ms elapsed time scanning for client certificates |
close_tab_warning.shown#shown | event | release | 90 to 98 | Recorded whenever we show the 'Close Tabs' dialog, with details about the reason it is shown and what choices the user makes (close or not).
colorways_modal.cancel#cancel | event | release | from 106 | Recorded when colorway selection is canceled and the colorway closet modal is closed. This may be done by pressing the Cancel button or ESC key, or by closing the browser tab or window.
colorways_modal.change_colorway#change_colorway | event | release | from 106 | Recorded when the Colorway Closet modal opens when a colorway from the current collection was already selected. The object is the source from where the user opened the modal.
colorways_modal.homepage_reset_undo#homepage_reset_undo | event | release | from 106 | Recorded when the undo button is selected in the colorway modal. This will undo the apply button selection for setting Firefox Home to default
colorways_modal.homepage_reset#homepage_reset | event | release | from 106 | Recorded when the apply button is selected in the colorway modal. This will set the user’s home page default to Firefox Home
colorways_modal.set_colorway#set_colorway | event | release | from 106 | Recorded when a colorway and intensity are set in the colorway closet modal
colorways_modal.try_colorways#try_colorways | event | release | from 106 | Recorded when the Colorway Closet modal opens when no colorway from the current collection was selected. The object is the source from where the user opened the modal.
colorways.change_colorway#change_colorway | event | release | from 105 | Recorded when the Change Colorway button is clicked in about:addons or the Firefox View tab
colorways.try_colorways#try_colorways | event | release | from 105 | Recorded when the Try Colorways button is clicked in about:addons or the Firefox View tab
COMPONENTS_SHIM_ACCESSED_BY_CONTENT | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether content ever accesed the Components shim in this session |
COMPOSITE_FRAME_ROUNDTRIP_TIME | histogram | prerelease | from 45 | Time from vsync to finishing a composite in milliseconds. |
COMPOSITE_SWAP_TIME | histogram | release | from 74 | Time to do swap/present/commit in 100 microseconds |
COMPOSITE_TIME | histogram | release | from 38 | Composite times in milliseconds |
COMPOSITOR_ANIMATION_DURATION | histogram | prerelease | 54 to 61 | Duration of animations running on the compositor in milliseconds |
COMPOSITOR_ANIMATION_MAX_CONTIGUOUS_DROPS_APZ | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 61 | For APZ/scrolling compositor animations, the maximum number of contiguous frame drops encountered |
COMPOSITOR_ANIMATION_MAX_CONTIGUOUS_DROPS_CHROME | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 61 | For compositor animations of chrome-process layers, the maximum number of contiguous frame drops encountered |
COMPOSITOR_ANIMATION_MAX_CONTIGUOUS_DROPS_CONTENT | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 61 | For compositor animations of content-process layers, the maximum number of contiguous frame drops encountered |
COMPOSITOR_ANIMATION_MAX_LAYER_AREA | histogram | prerelease | 54 to 61 | High-watermark of layer area affected during a compositor animation. Units are layer pixels squared. |
COMPOSITOR_ANIMATION_THROUGHPUT_APZ | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 61 | Frame throughput ratio (scaled up to 1000) for APZ/scrolling animations in the compositor. |
COMPOSITOR_ANIMATION_THROUGHPUT_CHROME | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 61 | Frame throughput ratio (scaled up to 1000) for compositor animations of chrome-process layers. |
COMPOSITOR_ANIMATION_THROUGHPUT_CONTENT | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 61 | Frame throughput ratio (scaled up to 1000) for compositor animations of content-process layers. |
CONTAINER_USED | histogram | prerelease | 50 to 57 | Records a value each time a builtin container is opened. 1=personal 2=work 3=banking 4=shopping. Does not record usage of user-created containers. |
CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED | histogram | release | from 44 | Number of content documents destroyed; used in conjunction with use counter histograms |
CONTENT_FRAME_TIME | histogram | release | from 63 | The time, in percentage of a vsync interval, spent from beginning a paint in the content process until that frame is presented in the compositor. |
CONTENT_FRAME_TIME_REASON | histogram | prerelease | from 65 | The reason that CONTENT_FRAME_TIME recorded a slow (>200) result, if any. |
CONTENT_FRAME_TIME_VSYNC | histogram | release | from 66 | The time, in percentage of a vsync interval, spent from the vsync that started a paint in the content process until that frame is presented in the compositor. |
CONTENT_FRAME_TIME_WITH_SVG | histogram | release | from 64 | The time, in percentage of a vsync interval, spent from beginning a paint in the content process until that frame is presented in the compositor, for frames that contained an SVG to be drawn by WebRender |
CONTENT_FRAME_TIME_WITHOUT_RESOURCE_UPLOAD | histogram | prerelease | from 65 | The time, in percentage of a vsync interval, spent from beginning a paint in the content process until that frame is presented in the compositor by WebRender, excluding time spent uploading resources |
CONTENT_FRAME_TIME_WITHOUT_UPLOAD | histogram | prerelease | from 65 | The time, in percentage of a vsync interval, spent from beginning a paint in the content process until that frame is presented in the compositor by WebRender, excluding time spent uploading any content |
CONTENT_FULL_PAINT_TIME | histogram | release | from 65 | Time spent in the paint pipeline until it's ready for composition in milliseconds. |
CONTENT_JS_BACKGROUND_TICK_DELAY_EVENTS_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 55 to 60 | Time (in ms) that a pending vsync gets delayed by a runnable associated with a TabGroup that is completely in the background. The time is measured from the vsync event's time stamp to when the runnable finishes execution. The histogram is keyed by the label of the runnable, indicating which type of task the runnable is performing. |
CONTENT_JS_BACKGROUND_TICK_DELAY_TOTAL_MS | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 60 | Time (in ms) that a pending vsync gets delayed by a runnable associated with a TabGroup that is completely in the background. The time is measured from the vsync event's time stamp to when the runnable finishes execution. |
CONTENT_JS_FOREGROUND_TICK_DELAY_EVENTS_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 55 to 60 | Time (in ms) that a pending vsync gets delayed by a runnable associated with a TabGroup that is (partially) in the foreground. The time is measured from the vsync event's time stamp to when the runnable finishes execution. The histogram is keyed by the label of the runnable, indicating which type of task the runnable is performing. |
CONTENT_JS_FOREGROUND_TICK_DELAY_TOTAL_MS | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 60 | Time (in ms) that a pending vsync gets delayed by a runnable associated with a TabGroup that is (partially) in the foreground. The time is measured from the vsync event's time stamp to when the runnable finishes execution. |
CONTENT_JS_KNOWN_TICK_DELAY_MS | histogram | prerelease | 55 to 61 | Time (in ms) that a pending vsync gets delayed by a runnable associated with a TabGroup when the vsync event's timestamp is before the starting time of the runnable. The time is measured from the vsync event's time stamp to when the runnable finishes execution. |
CONTENT_LARGE_PAINT_PHASE_WEIGHT | keyed histogram | prerelease | 52 to 71 | Percentages of times for phases in an expensive content paint relative to the time spent in the entire expensive paint. ("dl" = Display list, "flb" = Frame layer builder, "fr" = Flush rasterization, "r" = Rasterization) |
CONTENT_LARGE_PAINT_PHASE_WEIGHT_FULL | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 90 | Percentages of times for phases in an expensive content paint relative to the time spent in the entire expensive paint. ("dl" = Display list, "wrdl" = WebRender display list, "sb" = Scene building, "fb" = Frame building) |
CONTENT_LARGE_PAINT_PHASE_WEIGHT_PARTIAL | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 90 | Percentages of times for phases in an expensive content paint relative to the time spent in the entire expensive paint. ("dl" = Display list, "wrdl" = WebRender display list, "sb" = Scene building, "fb" = Frame building) |
CONTENT_PAINT_TIME | histogram | release | from 52 | Time spent in the paint pipeline for content in milliseconds. |
CONTENT_PROCESS_COUNT | histogram | release | 87 to 103 | A count of the number of content processes, collected every five minutes. |
CONTENT_PROCESS_LAUNCH_IS_SYNC | histogram | release | from 65 | Whether a content process was launched synchronously (unnecessarily delaying UI response). |
CONTENT_PROCESS_LAUNCH_MAINTHREAD_MS | histogram | release | from 65 | Time spent on the main thread during asynchronous content process launch. |
CONTENT_PROCESS_LAUNCH_TIME_MS | histogram | release | 53 to 56, 61 to 65 | Content process launch time until the GetXPCOMProcessAttributes message is received, in milliseconds |
CONTENT_PROCESS_LAUNCH_TOTAL_MS | histogram | release | from 65 | Total time elapsed during asynchronous content process launch, until the process is usable for loading content. |
CONTENT_PROCESS_MAX | histogram | release | 87 to 96 | The maximum number of content processes, submitted when a new maximum is reached. |
CONTENT_PROCESS_PRECISE_COUNT | histogram | release | 92 to 103 | An enumerated count of the number of content processes, collected every five minutes. |
CONTENT_PROCESS_PRECISE_MAX | histogram | release | 92 to 96 | The enumerated maximum number of content processes, submitted when a new maximum is reached. |
CONTENT_PROCESS_SYNC_LAUNCH_MS | histogram | release | from 65 | Time elapsed during synchronous content process launch until the process is usable for loading content. |
CONTENT_PROCESS_TIME_SINCE_LAST_LAUNCH_MS | histogram | prerelease | 87 to 103 | The time (in milliseconds) since the last content process was launched. |
CONTENT_RESPONSE_DURATION | histogram | prerelease | 48 to 69 | Main thread response times for APZ notifications about input events (ms) |
CONTENT_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_ERRORS | keyed histogram | release | from 60 | Result of the content signature verification keyed by application (certificate fingerprint). 0=valid, 1=invalid, 2=noCertChain, 3=createContextFailedWithOtherError, 4=expiredCert, 5=certNotValidYet, 6=buildCertChainFailed, 7=eeCertForWrongHost, 8=extractKeyError, 9=vfyContextError |
CONTENT_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_STATUS | histogram | release | from 60 | What was the result of the content signature verification? 0=valid, 1=invalid, 2=noCertChain, 3=createContextFailedWithOtherError, 4=expiredCert, 5=certNotValidYet, 6=buildCertChainFailed, 7=eeCertForWrongHost, 8=extractKeyError, 9=vfyContextError |
CONTENT_SMALL_PAINT_PHASE_WEIGHT | keyed histogram | prerelease | 62 to 71 | Percentages of times for phases in a normal content paint relative to the time spent in the entire normal paint. ("dl" = Display list, "flb" = Frame layer builder, "fr" = Flush rasterization, "r" = Rasterization) |
CONTENT_SMALL_PAINT_PHASE_WEIGHT_FULL | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 90 | Percentages of times for phases in a normal content paint relative to the time spent in the entire normal paint. ("dl" = Display list, "wrdl" = WebRender display list, "sb" = Scene building, "fb" = Frame building) |
CONTENT_SMALL_PAINT_PHASE_WEIGHT_PARTIAL | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 90 | Percentages of times for phases in a normal content paint relative to the time spent in the entire normal paint. ("dl" = Display list, "wrdl" = WebRender display list, "sb" = Scene building, "fb" = Frame building) |
content.process_max_precise | scalar | release | 96 to 103 | The maximum number of content processes, submitted when a new maximum is reached. Replaces CONTENT_PROCESS_MAX and CONTENT_PROCESS_PRECISE_MAX.
contentblocking.category | scalar | release | from 67 | This scalar reports the value of the content blocking category pref (0 = "standard", 1 = "strict", 2 = "custom", 3 = some other value, this is not supported).
contentblocking.cryptomining_blocking_enabled | scalar | release | from 67 | True if cryptominer blocking is enabled globally at startup.
contentblocking.enabled | scalar | release | from 64 | Whether content blocking was enabled at startup.
contentblocking.exceptions | scalar | release | 64 to 69, 71 to 74 | How many tracking protection/content blocking exceptions a user has at startup.
contentblocking.fastblock_enabled | scalar | release | from 64 | Whether FastBlock was enabled at startup.
contentblocking.fingerprinting_blocking_enabled | scalar | release | from 67 | True if fingerprinter blocking is enabled globally at startup.
contentblocking.trackers_blocked_count | scalar | release | from 71 | A count of the number of tracking events blocked.
contextservices.quicksuggest.data_collect_toggled#data_collect_toggled | event | release | from 96 | This is recorded when the `browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.dataCollection.enabled` boolean pref is toggled.
contextservices.quicksuggest.enable_toggled#enable_toggled | event | release | from 88 | This is recorded when the `browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored` boolean pref is toggled.
contextservices.quicksuggest.engagement#engagement | event | release | from 101 | This event is recorded when an engagement occurs in the address bar while a Firefox Suggest suggestion is present. The event's objects are the following possible values: "block": The user dismissed ("blocked") the suggestion. "click": The user picked the suggestion. "help": The user picked the suggestion's help button. "impression_only": The user picked some other row. "other": The user engaged with the suggestion in some other way, for
example by picking a command in the result menu. This is a catch-all
category and going forward Glean telemetry should be preferred.
contextservices.quicksuggest.impression_cap#impression_cap | event | release | from 101 | This is recorded when an event related to an impression cap occurs. "hit" is recorded when an impression cap is hit. "reset" is recorded when a cap's counter is reset because its interval period has elapsed.
contextservices.quicksuggest.opt_in_dialog#opt_in_dialog | event | release | from 94 | This is recorded when the user responds to the Firefox Suggest opt-in onboarding dialog. 'accept_2' is recorded when the user accepts the dialog and opts in, 'reject_2' is recorded when the user rejects the dialog and opts out, 'learn_more_1' is recorded when the user clicks "Learn more" on the introduction section (the user remains opted out), 'learn_more_2' is recorded when the user clicks "Learn more" on the main section (the user remains opted out), 'close_1' is recorded when the user clicks close button on the introduction section (the user remains opted out), 'not_now_2' is recorded when the user clicks "Not now" link on main section (the user remains opted out), 'dismiss_1' recorded when the user dismisses the dialog on the introduction section (the user remains opted out), 'dismiss_2' recorded when the user dismisses the dialog on main (the user remains opted out),
contextservices.quicksuggest.sponsored_toggled#sponsored_toggled | event | release | from 94 | This is recorded when the `browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored` boolean pref is toggled.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.block_dynamic_wikipedia | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has blocked/dismissed sponsored Firefox Suggest dynamic wikipedia results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.block_nonsponsored | keyed scalar | release | from 101 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has blocked/dismissed non-sponsored Firefox Suggest results in the urlbar, including best matches (a.k.a. top picks). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.block_nonsponsored_bestmatch | keyed scalar | release | from 101 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has blocked/dismissed non-sponsored Firefox Suggest best match (a.k.a. top pick) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.block_sponsored | keyed scalar | release | from 101 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has blocked/dismissed sponsored Firefox Suggest results in the urlbar, including best matches (a.k.a. top picks). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.block_sponsored_bestmatch | keyed scalar | release | from 101 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has blocked/dismissed sponsored Firefox Suggest best match (a.k.a. top pick) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.block_weather | keyed scalar | release | from 110 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has blocked/dismissed Firefox Suggest weather results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click | keyed scalar | release | from 88 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on Firefox Suggests (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) results in the urlbar (not including the help button). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_dynamic_wikipedia | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on Firefox Suggest dynamic wikipedia results in the urlbar (not including the help button). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_nav_notmatched | keyed scalar | release | from 112 | A keyed uint recording how many times a heuristic result was clicked while a navigational suggestion was absent. The Nimbus variable recordNavigationalSuggestionTelemetry must be true to record this scalar. Its key is the type of heuristic result that was clicked. Key names are the same as the heuristic result type names recorded in Glean telemetry.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_nav_shown_heuristic | keyed scalar | release | from 112 | A keyed uint recording how many times a heuristic result was clicked while a navigational suggestion was present. The Nimbus variable recordNavigationalSuggestionTelemetry must be true to record this scalar. Its key is the type of heuristic result that was clicked. Key names are the same as the heuristic result type names recorded in Glean telemetry.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_nav_shown_nav | keyed scalar | release | from 112 | A keyed uint recording how many times a navigational suggestion was clicked. The Nimbus variable recordNavigationalSuggestionTelemetry must be true to record this scalar. Its key is the type of heuristic result that was present at the time of the engagement. Key names are the same as the heuristic result type names recorded in Glean telemetry.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_nav_superceded | keyed scalar | release | from 112 | A keyed uint recording how many times a heuristic result was clicked when a navigational suggestion was matched but superceded by the heuristic. The Nimbus variable recordNavigationalSuggestionTelemetry must be true to record this scalar. Its key is the type of heuristic result that was clicked. Key names are the same as the heuristic result type names recorded in Glean telemetry.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_nonsponsored | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on non-sponsored Firefox Suggests (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) results in the urlbar (not including the help button). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_nonsponsored_bestmatch | keyed scalar | release | from 100 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on non-sponsored Firefox Suggest best match (a.k.a. top pick) results in the urlbar (not including the help button). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_sponsored | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on sponsored Firefox Suggests (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) results in the urlbar (not including the help button). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_sponsored_bestmatch | keyed scalar | release | from 100 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on sponsored Firefox Suggest best match (a.k.a. top pick) results in the urlbar (not including the help button). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.click_weather | keyed scalar | release | from 110 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on Firefox Suggests (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) weather results in the urlbar (not including the help and dismiss buttons). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.exposure_weather | keyed scalar | release | from 110 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has been exposed to a Firefox Suggest weather result in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.help | keyed scalar | release | from 88 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on the help button in Firefox Suggests (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.help_dynamic_wikipedia | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on the help button in sponsored Firefox Suggest dynamic wikipedia results in the urlbar (not including the help button). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.help_nonsponsored | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on the help button in non-sponsored Firefox Suggests (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.help_nonsponsored_bestmatch | keyed scalar | release | from 100 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on the help button in non-sponsored Firefox Suggest best match (a.k.a. top pick) results in the urlbar (not including the help button). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.help_sponsored | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on the help button in sponsored Firefox Suggests (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.help_sponsored_bestmatch | keyed scalar | release | from 100 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on the help button in sponsored Firefox Suggest best match (a.k.a. top pick) results in the urlbar (not including the help button). The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.help_weather | keyed scalar | release | from 110 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on the help button in Firefox Suggests (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) weather results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression | keyed scalar | release | from 88 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has viewed Firefox Suggest (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression_dynamic_wikipedia | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has viewed sponsored Firefox Suggest dynamic wikipedia results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression_nav_notmatched | keyed scalar | release | from 112 | A keyed uint recording how many times a urlbar engagement occurred while a navigational suggestion was absent. The Nimbus variable recordNavigationalSuggestionTelemetry must be true to record this scalar. Its key is the type of heuristic result that was present at the time of the engagement. Key names are the same as the heuristic result type names recorded in Glean telemetry.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression_nav_shown | keyed scalar | release | from 112 | A keyed uint recording how many times a urlbar engagement occurred while a navigational suggestion was present. The Nimbus variable recordNavigationalSuggestionTelemetry must be true to record this scalar. Its key is the type of heuristic result that was present at the time of the engagement. Key names are the same as the heuristic result type names recorded in Glean telemetry.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression_nav_superceded | keyed scalar | release | from 112 | A keyed uint recording how many times a urlbar engagement occurred when a navigational suggestion was matched but superceded by a heuristic result. The Nimbus variable recordNavigationalSuggestionTelemetry must be true to record this scalar. Its key is the type of heuristic result that was present at the time of the engagement. Key names are the same as the heuristic result type names recorded in Glean telemetry.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression_nonsponsored | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has viewed non-sponsored Firefox Suggest (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression_nonsponsored_bestmatch | keyed scalar | release | from 100 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has viewed non-sponsored Firefox Suggest best match (a.k.a. top pick) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression_sponsored | keyed scalar | release | from 109 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has viewed sponsored Firefox Suggest (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression_sponsored_bestmatch | keyed scalar | release | from 100 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has viewed sponsored Firefox Suggest best match (a.k.a. top pick) results in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.quicksuggest.impression_weather | keyed scalar | release | from 110 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has viewed Firefox Suggest (a.k.a. Quick Suggest) weather result in the urlbar. The key is the 1-based index of each result.
contextual.services.topsites.click | keyed scalar | release | from 88 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has clicked on the sponsored TopSites on the newtab page. The key is a combination of the source and the placement of the TopSites tile (1-based). such as 'urlbar_1', 'newtab_2'.
contextual.services.topsites.impression | keyed scalar | release | from 88 | A keyed uint recording how many times the user has viewed the sponsored TopSites on the newtab page. The key is a combination of the source and the placement of the TopSites tile (1-based). such as 'urlbar_1', 'newtab_2'.
cookie_banner.reload#reload | event | release | 110 to 127 | Recorded when the top-level page is reloaded. We use this event metric to know whether or not the reloading domain has cookie banner rule.
COOKIE_BANNERS_CLICK_HANDLE_DURATION_MS | histogram | prerelease | 110 to 127 | Counts how long it takes to handle cookie banners successfully from DOMContentLoaded until click. |
COOKIE_BEHAVIOR | histogram | release | from 64 | Records the cookie behavior pref at startup. |
COOKIE_LEAVE_SECURE_ALONE | histogram | release | 52 to 59 | Strict Secure Cookies: 0=blocked secure cookie from http; 1=blocked shadowing secure cookie from http; 2=shadowing secure cookie from https; 3=evicted newer insecure cookie; 4=evicted oldest insecure cookie; 5=evicted secure cookie; 6=evicting secure cookie blocked; 7=blocked downgrading secure cookie from http; 8=downgraded secure cookie from https |
COOKIE_PURGING_DURATION_MS | histogram | release | from 78 | Time spent per daily cookie purging activity, in milliseconds. This measures the time for all batch iterations of that day. |
COOKIE_PURGING_INTERVAL_HOURS | histogram | release | from 78 | How much time (in hours) passed between the current cookie purging activity and the one before that (cookie purging is run on 'daily idle') |
COOKIE_PURGING_ORIGINS_PURGED | histogram | release | from 78 | The number of origins that were purged during one run of cookie purging. |
COOKIE_PURGING_TRACKERS_USER_INTERACTION_REMAINING_DAYS | histogram | release | from 78 | The time remaining until expiration per user interaction permissions of trackers at the time of purging, in days (one record per tracker, not averaged). |
COOKIE_PURGING_TRACKERS_WITH_USER_INTERACTION | histogram | release | from 78 | The number of trackers that had user interaction at the time of purging. |
COOKIE_RETRIEVAL_SAMESITE_PROBLEM | histogram | release | 103 to 115 | Whether a cookie was skipped in GetCookiesForURI because of a same-site issue. This is a bit field. |
COOKIE_SAMESITE_SET_VS_UNSET | histogram | release | 75 to 85 | Cookies with SameSite attribute set vs unset |
COOKIE_SCHEME_HTTPS | histogram | prerelease | 58 to 59 | How often are first- and third-party cookies set from HTTPS origins? 0=first/http, 1=first/http+secure?!, 2=first/https, 3=first/https+secure, 4=third/http, 5=third/http+secure?!, 6=third/https, 7=third/https+secure |
COOKIE_SCHEME_SECURITY | histogram | release | 44 to 59 | How often are secure cookies set from non-secure origins, and vice-versa? 0=nonsecure/http, 1=nonsecure/https, 2=secure/http, 3=secure/https |
COOKIE_TIME_MOVING_MS | histogram | prerelease | 61 to 63 | Time spent moving the cookies from one memory location to another (ms) |
cookie.banners.click.result | keyed scalar | release | 110 to 127 | Given a matching cookie banner click rule, how often do we handle or fail to handle cookie banners, labelled by reason. The 'success' and 'fail' counters count the total numbers independently of the reason counters. Counters are incremented after the content window has been destroyed.
cookie.banners.normal_window_service_mode | keyed scalar | release | from 110 | The pref value of the cookie banner service mode for normal windows.
cookie.banners.private_window_service_mode | keyed scalar | release | from 110 | The pref value of the cookie banner service mode for private windows.
cookie.banners.rule_lookup_by_domain | keyed scalar | release | 110 to 127 | Counts the number of hit/miss of cookie banner rule lookups for domain. We collect three types of counters, including counters for overall rule lookup, counters for cookie rule lookup and counters for click rule lookup. We also divide the counter by top-level loads and iframe loads. For each domain, we will only collect once.
cookie.banners.rule_lookup_by_load | keyed scalar | release | 110 to 127 | Counts the number of hit/miss of cookie banner rule lookups for every load. We collect three types of counters, including counters for overall rule lookup, counters for cookie rule lookup and counters for click rule lookup. We also divide the counter by top-level loads and iframe loads.
cookie.banners.service_detect_only | scalar | release | from 111 | Tracks the value of the cookiebanners.service.detectOnly pref.
COOKIES_3RDPARTY_NUM_ATTEMPTS_ACCEPTED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | The total number of distinct attempts by third-party sites to place cookies which have been accepted. Measures are normalized per 24h. *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
COOKIES_3RDPARTY_NUM_ATTEMPTS_BLOCKED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | The total number of distinct attempts by third-party sites to place cookies which have been rejected. Measures are normalized per 24h. *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
COOKIES_3RDPARTY_NUM_SITES_ACCEPTED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | The number of distinct pairs (first-party site, third-party site attempting to set cookie) for which the third-party cookie has been accepted. Sites are considered identical if they have the same eTLD + 1. Measures are normalized per 24h. *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
COOKIES_3RDPARTY_NUM_SITES_BLOCKED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | The number of distinct pairs (first-party site, third-party site attempting to set cookie) for which the third-party cookie has been rejected. Sites are considered identical if they have the same eTLD + 1. Measures are normalized per 24h. *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
corroborate.omnijar_corrupted | scalar | release | 68 to 79 | Whether the omni jar (omni.ja) was found to be missing or corrupt when checked during startup. |
corroborate.omnijar_mismatch | scalar | release | 74 to 79 | Whether the build IDs of the omni jar (omni.ja) and libxul do not match. |
corroborate.system_addons_corrupted | scalar | release | 68 to 70 | Whether any system add-on (XPI files) were found to be missing or corrupt when checked during startup. |
CRASH_STORE_COMPRESSED_BYTES | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Size (in bytes) of the compressed crash store JSON file. |
CREATE_EVENT_BEFOREUNLOADEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 59 | Was document.createEvent("beforeunloadevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_COMMANDEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("commandevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_COMMANDEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("commandevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_COMPOSITIONEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("compositionevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_CUSTOMEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("customevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_DATACONTAINEREVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("datacontainerevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_DATACONTAINEREVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("datacontainerevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_DEVICEMOTIONEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("devicemotionevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_DEVICEORIENTATIONEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("deviceorientationevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_DRAGEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("dragevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_DRAGEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("dragevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_ERROREVENT | histogram | prerelease | 54 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("errorevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_EVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("event") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_EVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("events") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_HASHCHANGEEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("hashchangeevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_HTMLEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("htmlevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_KEYBOARDEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("keyboardevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_KEYEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("keyevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_MESSAGEEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("messageevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_MOUSEEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("mouseevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_MOUSEEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("mouseevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_MOUSESCROLLEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("mousescrollevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_MUTATIONEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("mutationevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_MUTATIONEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("mutationevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_NOTIFYPAINTEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("notifypaintevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_PAGETRANSITION | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("pagetransition") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_POPSTATEEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("popstateevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_POPUPEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("popupevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_SCROLLAREAEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("scrollareaevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_SIMPLEGESTUREEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("simplegestureevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_STORAGEEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("storageevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_SVGEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("svgevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_SVGEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("svgevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_SVGZOOMEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("svgzoomevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_SVGZOOMEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("svgzoomevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_TEXTEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("textevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_TEXTEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("textevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_TIMEEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("timeevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_TIMEEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("timeevents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_TOUCHEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("touchevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_UIEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("uievent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_UIEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("uievents") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_XULCOMMANDEVENT | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("xulcommandevent") ever called |
CREATE_EVENT_XULCOMMANDEVENTS | histogram | prerelease | 51 to 55 | Was document.createEvent("xulcommandevents") ever called |
CREDITCARD_NUM_USES | histogram | release | from 81 | How many times each saved credit card has ever been autofilled. Rewritten after each autofill; always contains one entry per each count of uses. Example: If user has 3 cards, and he used 2 of them 5 times, and one of them 3 times, the value will be: `{3: 1, 5: 2}. |
creditcard.detected#cc_form | event | release | from 81 | User interactions for credit card autofill forms |
creditcard.detected#cc_form_v2 | event | release | from 100 | User interactions for credit card autofill forms Expected values are store in extra_keys and are varies depends on the methods
'detected': Recorded when a form is recognized as a credit card form.
The possible value of cc_* in extra_keys are "true", "false", or an integer between 0-100
When the value is "true", the field is identified via autocomplete attribute
When the value is "false", the field is not detected in the form
When the value is an integer greater than 0, the value indicates the confidence value from fathom (normalized to 0-100)
When the value is an 0, then the field is identified by regexp-based heuristic
'popup_shown': Recorded when autofill popup is shown. Using field_name to record the field
that triggers this event
'filled': Recorded when a form is autofiled. Possible values are
`filled`, `not_filled`, `user_filled` or `unavailable`
'filled_modified': Recorded when a field is autofilled and then modified by the user.
Using field_name to record the field that triggers this event.
'submitted': Recorded when a form is submitted. Possible values are `autofilled`, `user_filled` or `unavailable`
'cleared' Recorded when a form is cleared . Using field_name to record the field that triggers this event |
creditcard.show#doorhanger | event | release | from 81 | User interactions for the browser credit card autofill doorhanger. |
creditcard.show#manage | event | release | from 81 | User interactions for credit card autofill preferences management UI. |
CRLITE_FASTER_THAN_OCSP_MS | histogram | release | 73 to 85 | If both a CRLite lookup and OCSP request are made, how many milliseconds faster was CRLite? |
CRLITE_RESULT | histogram | release | 73 to 91 | The result of looking up revocation information for a TLS server certificate in CRLite. |
CRLITE_VS_OCSP_RESULT | histogram | release | 94 to 130 | Does CRLite and OCSP fetching agree when a certificate is revoked? |
CRYPTOMINERS_BLOCKED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 68 | A count of the status of cryptominer blocking per top level page load. ('pageLoad' = There was a page load, 'blocked' = at least one cryptominer was blocked, 'allowed' = at least one cryptominer was detected and allowed.) Note, pageLoad is used as a baseline measurement. |
CSP_DOCUMENTS_COUNT | histogram | prerelease | 48 to 64 | Number of unique pages that contain a CSP |
CSP_REFERRER_DIRECTIVE | histogram | prerelease | 53 to 62 | Whether a document with a CSP policy (report-only or enforcing) contains a referrer directive ('true') or not ('false'). |
CSP_UNSAFE_EVAL_DOCUMENTS_COUNT | histogram | prerelease | 48 to 64 | Number of unique pages that contain an unsafe-eval CSP directive |
CSP_UNSAFE_INLINE_DOCUMENTS_COUNT | histogram | prerelease | 48 to 64 | Number of unique pages that contain an unsafe-inline CSP directive |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Time spent on one cycle collection (ms) |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_ASYNC_SNOW_WHITE_FREEING | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Time spent on one asynchronous SnowWhite freeing (ms) |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_COLLECTED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Number of objects collected by the cycle collector |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_CONTENT_UNBIND | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Time spent on one ContentUnbinder (ms) |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_FINISH_IGC | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Cycle collection finished an incremental GC |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_FULL | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Full pause time for one cycle collection, including preparation (ms) |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_MAX_PAUSE | histogram | release | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Longest pause for an individual slice of one cycle collection, including preparation (ms) |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_NEED_GC | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Needed garbage collection before cycle collection. |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_OOM | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Set if the cycle collector ran out of memory at some point |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_SLICE_DURING_IDLE | histogram | prerelease | from 56 | Percent of cycle collector slice done during idle time |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_SYNC_SKIPPABLE | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Cycle collection synchronously ran forget skippable |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_TIME_BETWEEN | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Time spent in between cycle collections (seconds) |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_VISITED_GCED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Number of JS objects visited by the cycle collector |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_VISITED_REF_COUNTED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Number of ref counted objects visited by the cycle collector |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_WORKER | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Time spent on one cycle collection in a worker (ms) |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_WORKER_COLLECTED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Number of objects collected by the cycle collector in a worker |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_WORKER_NEED_GC | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Needed garbage collection before cycle collection in a worker. |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_WORKER_OOM | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Set if the cycle collector in a worker ran out of memory at some point |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_WORKER_VISITED_GCED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Number of JS objects visited by the cycle collector in a worker |
CYCLE_COLLECTOR_WORKER_VISITED_REF_COUNTED | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 40, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, from 43 | Number of ref counted objects visited by the cycle collector in a worker |
D3D11_COMPOSITING_FAILURE_ID | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 50 | D3D11 compositor runtime and dynamic failure IDs. This will record a count for each context creation success or failure. Each failure id is a unique identifier that can be traced back to a particular failure branch or blocklist rule. |
D3D11_SYNC_HANDLE_FAILURE | histogram | release | 44 to 65 | Number of times the D3D11 compositor failed to get a texture sync handle. |
D3D9_COMPOSITING_FAILURE_ID | keyed histogram | prerelease | 50 to 58 | D3D9 compositor runtime and dynamic failure IDs. This will record a count for each context creation success or failure. Each failure id is a unique identifier that can be traced back to a particular failure branch or blocklist rule. |
DATA_STORAGE_ENTRIES | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The number of entries in persistent DataStorage (HSTS and HPKP data, basically) |
DATABASE_LOCKED_EXCEPTION | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 41 | Record database locks when opening one of Fennec's databases. The index corresponds to how many attempts, beginning with 0. |
DATABASE_SUCCESSFUL_UNLOCK | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 41 | Record on which attempt we successfully unlocked a database. See DATABASE_LOCKED_EXCEPTION. |
datasanitization.network_cookie_lifetimePolicy | scalar | release | from 72 | This scalar reports the value of the network.cookie.lifetimePolicy pref.
datasanitization.privacy_clearOnShutdown_cache | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.clearOnShutdown.cache pref.
datasanitization.privacy_clearOnShutdown_cookies | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookies pref.
datasanitization.privacy_clearOnShutdown_downloads | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.clearOnShutdown.downloads pref.
datasanitization.privacy_clearOnShutdown_formdata | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.clearOnShutdown.formdata pref.
datasanitization.privacy_clearOnShutdown_history | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.clearOnShutdown.history pref.
datasanitization.privacy_clearOnShutdown_offlineApps | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.clearOnShutdown.offlineApps pref.
datasanitization.privacy_clearOnShutdown_openWindows | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.clearOnShutdown.openWindows pref.
datasanitization.privacy_clearOnShutdown_sessions | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.clearOnShutdown.sessions pref.
datasanitization.privacy_clearOnShutdown_siteSettings | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.clearOnShutdown.siteSettings pref.
datasanitization.privacy_sanitize_sanitizeOnShutdown | scalar | prerelease | from 72 | A boolean reporting the value of the privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown pref.
datasanitization.session_permission_exceptions | scalar | release | from 72 | A count of how many "session" cookie exceptions a user has set.
debuggerAttached | simpleMeasurements | release | from 42 | A boolean set to true if a debugger is attached to the main process. |
DECODER_DOCTOR_INFOBAR_STATS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 50 to 58, 62 | Counts of various Decoder Doctor notification events. Used to track efficacy of Decoder Doctor at helping users fix problems with their audio/video codecs. Keys are localized string names that identify problem with audio/video codecs that Decoder Doctor attempts to solve; see string values in dom.properties for verbose description of problems being solved. 0=recorded every time the Decoder Doctor notification is shown, 1=recorded the first time in a profile when notification is shown, 2=recorded when 'Learn how' button clicked, 3=recorded when 'Learn how' button first clicked in a profile, 4=recorded when issue solved after infobar has been shown at least once in a profile. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_ARMSCII8 | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for ARMSCII8 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_HZ | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for HZ has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_IBM850 | histogram | prerelease | never in nightly | Whether the decoder for IBM850 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_IBM852 | histogram | prerelease | never in nightly | Whether the decoder for IBM852 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_IBM855 | histogram | prerelease | never in nightly | Whether the decoder for IBM855 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_IBM857 | histogram | prerelease | never in nightly | Whether the decoder for IBM857 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_IBM862 | histogram | prerelease | never in nightly | Whether the decoder for IBM862 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_IBM866 | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for IBM866 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_ISO_8859_5 | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for ISO-8859-5 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_ISO2022CN | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Whether the decoder for ISO-2022-CN has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_ISO2022JP | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for ISO-2022-JP has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_ISO2022KR | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Whether the decoder for ISO-2022-KR has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_ISOIR111 | histogram | prerelease | never in nightly | Whether the decoder for ISOIR111 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_JOHAB | histogram | prerelease | never in nightly | Whether the decoder for JOHAB has been instantiated in this session. *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_KOI8R | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for KOI8R has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_KOI8U | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for KOI8U has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACARABIC | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACARABIC has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACCE | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACCE has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACCROATIAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACCROATIAN has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACCYRILLIC | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACCYRILLIC has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACDEVANAGARI | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACDEVANAGARI has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACFARSI | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACFARSI has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACGREEK | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACGREEK has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACGUJARATI | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACGUJARATI has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACGURMUKHI | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACGURMUKHI has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACHEBREW | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACHEBREW has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACICELANDIC | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACICELANDIC has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACROMANIAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACROMANIAN has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_MACTURKISH | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Whether the decoder for MACTURKISH has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_T61 | histogram | prerelease | never in nightly | Whether the decoder for T.61 has been instantiated in this session. *** No longer needed (bug 1156565). Delete histogram and accumulation code! *** |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_VIETTCVN5712 | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Whether the decoder for VIETTCVN5712 has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_VIETVPS | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Whether the decoder for VIETVPS has been instantiated in this session. |
DECODER_INSTANTIATED_VISCII | histogram | prerelease | 38 to 39 | Whether the decoder for VISCII has been instantiated in this session. |
DEDICATED_WORKER_DESTROYED | histogram | release | from 73 | Number of dedicated workers destroyed; used in conjunction with use counter histograms |
DEDICATED_WORKER_SPAWN_GETS_QUEUED | histogram | prerelease | from 51 | Tracking whether a DedicatedWorker spawn gets queued due to hitting max workers per domain limit. File bugs in Core::DOM in case of a Telemetry regression. |
DEFECTIVE_PERMISSIONS_SQL_REMOVED | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | Record the removal of defective permissions.sqlite |
DEFERRED_FINALIZE_ASYNC | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | Pause time for asynchronous deferred finalization (ms) |
delayedStartupFinished | simpleMeasurements | release | from 42 | Timestamp of 'delayed startup finished' event. |
delayedStartupStarted | simpleMeasurements | release | from 42 | Timestamp of 'delayed startup started' event. |
deletion.request.context_id | scalar | release | from 95 | An identifier to identify users for Contextual Services user interaction pings.
deletion.request.ecosystem_client_id | scalar | release | from 81 | An identifier used by the ecosystem ping, to delete all ecosystem metrics collected from this profile if the user opts out of telemetry.
deletion.request.impression_id | scalar | release | from 73 | An identifier used by user interaction pings in Pocket/newtab and Messaging System.
deletion.request.sync_device_id | scalar | release | from 77 | An identifier used by sync ping, to identify the current Firefox profile for a specific Account.
DENIED_TRANSLATION_OFFERS | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | A number of tranlation offers the user denied |
DESERIALIZE_BYTES | histogram | release | from 91 | Size of deserialized data, in bytes |
DESERIALIZE_ITEMS | histogram | release | from 91 | Size of deserialized data, in items |
DESERIALIZE_US | histogram | release | from 91 | Time spent deserializing structured data |
DEVICE_RESET_REASON | histogram | release | from 39 | GPU Device Reset Reason (ok, hung, removed, reset, internal error, invalid call, out of memory) |
DEVTOOLS_ABOUT_DEVTOOLS_OPENED_KEY | histogram | prerelease | 58 to 62 | Records the key shortcut passed to open the about:devtools page. |
DEVTOOLS_ABOUT_DEVTOOLS_OPENED_REASON | histogram | prerelease | 58 to 62 | Records the reason for opening the about:devtools page. |
DEVTOOLS_ABOUTDEBUGGING_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | 45 to 47 | How many times has about:debugging been opened? (bug 1204601) |
DEVTOOLS_ABOUTDEBUGGING_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times about:debugging has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_ABOUTDEBUGGING_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | 45 to 51 | Number of users that have opened about:debugging. (bug 1204601) |
DEVTOOLS_ABOUTDEBUGGING_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | 45 to 54, from 61 | How long has about:debugging been active? (seconds) (bug 1204601) |
DEVTOOLS_ACCESSIBILITY_PICKER_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 61 | How long has the picker tool in accessibility panel been active (seconds). |
DEVTOOLS_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 61 | How long has the platform accessibility been active (seconds) in accessibility panel. |
DEVTOOLS_ACCESSIBILITY_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 61 | How long has the accessibility panel been active (seconds). |
DEVTOOLS_ANIMATIONINSPECTOR_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has the devtool's Animation Inspector been opened? |
DEVTOOLS_ANIMATIONINSPECTOR_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times the DevTools Animation Inspector has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_ANIMATIONINSPECTOR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened the DevTools Animation Inspector. |
DEVTOOLS_ANIMATIONINSPECTOR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 38 | How long has the animation inspector been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_APPLICATION_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | 63 to 65 | How long has the application panel been active (seconds). |
DEVTOOLS_BROWSERCONSOLE_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has the devtool's Browser Console been opened? |
DEVTOOLS_BROWSERCONSOLE_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times the DevTools Browser Console has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_BROWSERCONSOLE_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened the DevTools Browser Console. |
DEVTOOLS_BROWSERCONSOLE_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 38 | How long has the browser console been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_CANVASDEBUGGER_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has the devtool's Canvas Debugger been opened? |
DEVTOOLS_CANVASDEBUGGER_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times the DevTools Canvas Debugger has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_CANVASDEBUGGER_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened the DevTools Canvas Debugger. |
DEVTOOLS_CANVASDEBUGGER_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 38 | How long has the Canvas Debugger been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_CHANGESVIEW_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 65 | How long has the Changes panel been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_COLD_TOOLBOX_OPEN_DELAY_MS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 58 to 79, from 86 | Time taken (in ms) to open the first DevTools toolbox. This is keyed by tool ID being opened [inspector, webconsole, jsdebugger, styleeditor, performance, memory, netmonitor, storage, dom]. |
DEVTOOLS_COMPATIBILITYVIEW_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 78 | Number of times the DevTools Compatibility View has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_COMPATIBILITYVIEW_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 78 | How long has the compatibility view been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_COMPUTEDVIEW_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has the devtool's Computed View been opened? |
DEVTOOLS_COMPUTEDVIEW_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times the DevTools Computed View has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_COMPUTEDVIEW_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened the DevTools Computed View. |
DEVTOOLS_COMPUTEDVIEW_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 38 | How long has the computed view been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_CUSTOM_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has a custom developer tool been opened via the toolbox button? |
DEVTOOLS_CUSTOM_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times a custom developer tool has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_CUSTOM_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened a custom developer tool via the toolbox button. |
DEVTOOLS_CUSTOM_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 38 | How long has a custom developer tool been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_DISPLAY_SOURCE_LOCAL_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took to display a selected source to the user. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_DISPLAY_SOURCE_REMOTE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took to display a selected source to the user. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_LOAD_SOURCE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 59 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took to load a source for the user. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_ADDONDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_ASSIGN_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took an 'assign' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_BINDINGS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'bindings' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_BLACKBOX_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'blackbox' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_CLIENTEVALUATE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'clientEvaluate' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_DELETE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'delete' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_DETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_DISPLAYSTRING_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'displayString' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_ENUMPROPERTIES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'enumProperties' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_EVENTLISTENERS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took an 'eventListeners' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_FRAMES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'frames' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_GET_EXECUTABLE_LINES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'getExecutableLines' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_INTERRUPT_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took an 'interrupt' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_LISTADDONS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listAddons' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_LISTPROCESSES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listProcesses' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_LISTSERVICEWORKERREGISTRATIONS_MS | histogram | prerelease | 45 to 49 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listServiceWorkerRegistrations' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_LISTTABS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listTabs' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_LISTWORKERS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listWorkers' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_NAVIGATETO_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'navigateTo' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_OWNPROPERTYNAMES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'ownPropertyNames' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_PARAMETERNAMES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'parameterNames' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_PROPERTY_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'property' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_PROTOCOLDESCRIPTION_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'protocolDescription' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_PROTOTYPE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'prototype' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_PROTOTYPEANDPROPERTIES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'prototypeAndProperties' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_PROTOTYPESANDPROPERTIES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'prototypesAndProperties' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_RECONFIGURETAB_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'reconfigure tab' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_RECONFIGURETHREAD_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'reconfigure thread' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_RELEASE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'release' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_RELEASEMANY_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'releaseMany' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_RELOAD_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'reload' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_RESUME_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'resume' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_SCOPE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'scope' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_SOURCES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'sources' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_STARTTRACE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'startTrace' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_STOPTRACE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'stopTrace' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_SUBSTRING_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'substring' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_TABDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_THREADDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_THREADGRIPS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'threadGrips' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_TRACERDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_UNBLACKBOX_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took an 'ublackbox' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_LOCAL_WORKERDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_ADDONDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_ASSIGN_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took an 'assign' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_BINDINGS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'bindings' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_BLACKBOX_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'blackbox' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_CLIENTEVALUATE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'clientEvaluate' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_DELETE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'delete' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_DETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_DISPLAYSTRING_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'displayString' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_ENUMPROPERTIES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'enumProperties' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_EVENTLISTENERS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took an 'eventListeners' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_FRAMES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'frames' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_GET_EXECUTABLE_LINES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'getExecutableLines' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_INTERRUPT_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took an 'interrupt' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_LISTADDONS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listAddons' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_LISTPROCESSES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listProcesses' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_LISTSERVICEWORKERREGISTRATIONS_MS | histogram | prerelease | 45 to 49 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listServiceWorkerRegistrations' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_LISTTABS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listTabs' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_LISTWORKERS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'listWorkers' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_NAVIGATETO_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'navigateTo' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_OWNPROPERTYNAMES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'ownPropertyNames' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_PARAMETERNAMES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'parameterNames' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_PROPERTY_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'property' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_PROTOCOLDESCRIPTION_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'protocolDescription' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_PROTOTYPE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'prototype' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_PROTOTYPEANDPROPERTIES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'prototypeAndProperties' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_PROTOTYPESANDPROPERTIES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'prototypesAndProperties' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_RECONFIGURETAB_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'reconfigure tab' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_RECONFIGURETHREAD_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'reconfigure thread' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_RELEASE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'release' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_RELEASEMANY_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'releaseMany' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_RELOAD_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'reload' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_RESUME_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'resume' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_SCOPE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'scope' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_SOURCES_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'sources' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_STARTTRACE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'startTrace' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_STOPTRACE_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'stopTrace' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_SUBSTRING_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'substring' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_TABDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_THREADDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_THREADGRIPS_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'threadGrips' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_TRACERDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_UNBLACKBOX_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took an 'unblackbox' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEBUGGER_RDP_REMOTE_WORKERDETACH_MS | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The time (in milliseconds) that it took a 'detach' request to go round trip. |
DEVTOOLS_DEVELOPERTOOLBAR_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has the devtool's Developer Toolbar been opened via the toolbox button? |
DEVTOOLS_DEVELOPERTOOLBAR_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times the DevTools Developer Toolbar / GCLI has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_DEVELOPERTOOLBAR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened the DevTools Developer Toolbar been opened via the toolbox button. |
DEVTOOLS_DEVELOPERTOOLBAR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 38 | How long has the developer toolbar been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_DOM_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 55 | Number of times the DevTools DOM Inspector has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_DOM_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 55 | How long has the DOM inspector been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_ENTRY_POINT | histogram | release | from 56 | Records how the user is triggering Developer Tools startup. |
DEVTOOLS_EYEDROPPER_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has the devtool's Eyedropper tool been opened? |
DEVTOOLS_EYEDROPPER_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times the DevTools Eyedropper tool has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_EYEDROPPER_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened the DevTools Eyedropper via the toolbox button. |
DEVTOOLS_FLEXBOX_HIGHLIGHTER_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 65 | How long has the flexbox highlighter been active (seconds). |
DEVTOOLS_FLEXINSPECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_DISPLAYED | histogram | release | 65 to 67 | Records the type of flex element displayed in the flex inspector (container, item, or both) |
DEVTOOLS_FONTEDITOR_FONT_TYPE_DISPLAYED | histogram | release | from 63 | Indicates if the font editor displayed its UI for a non-variable font or a variable font |
DEVTOOLS_FONTEDITOR_N_FONT_AXES | histogram | release | 63 to 65 | Indicates the number of variation axes of the variable fonts that are displayed in the font editor UI |
DEVTOOLS_FONTEDITOR_N_FONTS_RENDERED | histogram | release | 63 to 65 | Indicates how many fonts the font editor displayed as being needed to render the selected element's content |
DEVTOOLS_FONTINSPECTOR_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has the devtool's Font Inspector been opened? |
DEVTOOLS_FONTINSPECTOR_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times the DevTools Font Inspector has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_FONTINSPECTOR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened the DevTools Font Inspector. |
DEVTOOLS_FONTINSPECTOR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 38 | How long has the font inspector been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_GCLI_COMMANDS_KEYED | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 55 | Reports the command name used in GCLI e.g. 'screenshot' |
DEVTOOLS_GRID_HIGHLIGHTER_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 66 | How long has the grid highlighter been active (seconds). |
DEVTOOLS_HEAP_SNAPSHOT_EDGE_COUNT | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The number of edges serialized into a heap snapshot. |
DEVTOOLS_HEAP_SNAPSHOT_NODE_COUNT | histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The number of nodes serialized into a heap snapshot. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_CONTENTINTERACTIVE | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'contentInteractive' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_CONTENTINTERACTIVE_V2 | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'contentInteractive' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_FULLYLOADED | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'fullyLoaded' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_FULLYLOADED_V2 | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'fullyLoaded' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_MEDIAENUMERATED | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'mediaEnumerated' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_MEDIAENUMERATED_V2 | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'mediaEnumerated' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_NAVIGATIONINTERACTIVE | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'navigationInteractive' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_NAVIGATIONINTERACTIVE_V2 | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'navigationInteractive' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_NAVIGATIONLOADED | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'navigationLoaded' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_NAVIGATIONLOADED_V2 | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'navigationLoaded' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_SCANEND | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'scanEnd' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_SCANEND_V2 | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'scanEnd' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_VISUALLYLOADED | keyed histogram | prerelease | from 44 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'visuallyLoaded' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_MEMORY_VISUALLYLOADED_V2 | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The USS memory consumed by an application at the time of the 'visuallyLoaded' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_STARTUP_TIME_CONTENTINTERACTIVE | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The duration in ms between application launch and the 'contentInteractive' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_STARTUP_TIME_FULLYLOADED | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The duration in ms between application launch and the 'fullyLoaded' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_STARTUP_TIME_MEDIAENUMERATED | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The duration in ms between application launch and the 'mediaEnumerated' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_STARTUP_TIME_NAVIGATIONINTERACTIVE | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The duration in ms between application launch and the 'navigationInteractive' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_STARTUP_TIME_NAVIGATIONLOADED | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The duration in ms between application launch and the 'navigationLoaded' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_STARTUP_TIME_SCANEND | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The duration in ms between application launch and the 'scanEnd' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_APP_STARTUP_TIME_VISUALLYLOADED | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The duration in ms between application launch and the 'visuallyLoaded' performance mark, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_ERRORS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | Number of errors, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_JANK | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The duration which a thread is blocked in ms, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_REFLOW_DURATION | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The duration a reflow takes in ms, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_REFLOWS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | A count of the number of reflows, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_SECURITY_CATEGORY | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | The security error enums, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_USS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 45 to 51 | The USS memory consumed by an application, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_HUD_WARNINGS | keyed histogram | prerelease | 44 to 51 | Number of warnings, keyed by appName. |
DEVTOOLS_INSPECTOR_NEW_ROOT_TO_RELOAD_DELAY_MS | histogram | prerelease | 58 to 79, from 86 | Time taken (in ms) to update the inspector during a page reload, starting from new-root event. |
DEVTOOLS_INSPECTOR_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has the devtool's Inspector been opened? |
DEVTOOLS_INSPECTOR_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times the DevTools Inspector has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_INSPECTOR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened the DevTools Inspector. |
DEVTOOLS_INSPECTOR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS | histogram | release | from 38 | How long has the inspector been active (seconds) |
DEVTOOLS_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_DISPLAYED | keyed histogram | prerelease | 48 to 54, from 56 | Records the key-identifiers of error messages when they are displayed in the webconsole of the debugger. Nothing should be recorded unless they are visible on the user screen. |
DEVTOOLS_JSBROWSERDEBUGGER_OPENED_BOOLEAN | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | How many times has the devtool's Browser Debugger been opened? |
DEVTOOLS_JSBROWSERDEBUGGER_OPENED_COUNT | histogram | release | from 47 | Number of times the DevTools Browser Debugger has been opened. |
DEVTOOLS_JSBROWSERDEBUGGER_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG | histogram | prerelease | from 38 | Number of users that have opened the DevTools Browser Debugger. |